Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What choices can I make to empower myself? (Day 3) Daily Plans: Wednesday, 4 February

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!!!
  1. Work for Coach B Due Friday!
  2. "Who I am" task due MONDAY!
Big Idea: Power
Essential Question: What choices can I make to empower myself?
Objectives: I can…
...ask and answer HOT questions.
...analyze what makes people powerful.
...show my powers and things about myself in different visual formats.
Performance Task: TRF and tutorial worksheet, "My Powers" Document
1) Warm Up: 3...2...1...BLAST OFF! On the back of your TRF, list: (5 min)

  1. 3 main ideas you've covered in class this week
  2. 2 interesting assignments/projects/papers you are working on in class this week
  3. 1 thing that you are confused about

2) Literacy Block: Powerful People (20 min)
  1. Create a graphic organizer similar to the one depicted to the right.
  2. Skim through the methodology that Forbes uses to determine who has the most power in the world.
    1. Create a checklist on your poster called "How to make Forbes' list of most powerful people". 
    2. Star the things on the checklist that you agree with.
    3. Draw a squiggly line.
  3. Add 3 people to your graphic organizer.
    1. Pick 1 person from Forbe's The World's Most Powerful People list
    2. Pick 1 fictional character 
    3. Pick 1 person you know PERSONALLY in real life
  4. Around each person, list the following: 
    1. How did they become powerful?
    2. What/who do they have power over?
    3. What is a specific pro of being in their type of power?
    4. What is a specific con of being in their type of power?
    5. Put an "F" by that person if that person would make Forbes' Most Powerful People list.
  5. Under your "How to make Forbes' list of most powerful people" create a list called "How to get on ____'s (your name) list of most powerful people".
    1. In a point sentence make a claim about what power means to you.
    2. Then, list ten ways to get on YOUR list of powerful people. 
    3. Put a smiley face by each person who makes your list of powerful people.
4) Lesson Plan: What choices can you make to empower yourself? (25 min)

  1. Make sure you have a copy of "My Powers" and "Who I am" in your AVID Portfolio.
  2. Complete the "My Powers" assignments.
  3. Then, work on either your work for Coach B (Due Friday) OR your "Who I am" task (due Monday).
    1. Powerful Choices Project
      1. Step 1: Copy the two documents below into your Portfolio Folder in your AVID folder.
      2. Step 2: (Feb 2-6) My Powers
      3. Step 3: (Feb 2-6) Who I am
    2. Homework for Coach B:
      1. What is your MBTI type and name (example: INFJ, Counselor)?
      2. Do you agree with this assessment or not?
        1. Topic: Define personality or the MBTI.
        2. Point: What is your type and name? (example: INFJ, Counselor) Do you agree?
        3. Example: List three examples that support if you agree with your results or not.
        4. Elaboration: How do those examples support your point?
        5. Analysis: Tell why knowing your personality is important.
    1. Take out your TRF and relevant notes.
    2. Read the directions on your sheet for Tutorial.
    3. Bouncing Questions (15 min)
    4. Trashketball (until 2:35)
    6) Exit Ticket: Finish your Tutorial Reflection! Staple your papers and turn them in!
    1. LATE: Revise your TPEQEA paragraph!
    2. Fill out your TRF before class on Wednesday.

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