Wednesday, February 4, 2015

What choices can I make to empower myself? (Day 4) Daily Plans: Thursday, 5 February

Happy Thursday AVID Students!!!
  1. Get your missing work slip signed!
  2. Work for Coach B Due Friday! Use the document here if you need help.
  3. Due Monday (Share both with me!): My Powers and Who I am
Big Idea: Power
Essential Question: What choices can I make to empower myself?
Objectives: I can…
...create a box and whisker plot. and contrast average salaries for different careers. my powers and information about myself in different visual formats.
Performance Task: Box and Whisker plot, "My Powers" Document, "Who I am" Document
1) Warm Up: Average Income Scavenger Hunt (5 minutes)
  1. Set up a note page for today.
  2. Then, find the average yearly income of someone starting out in the career you want to pursue.
  3. Write the career and average starting income on the board.
  4. The first five people to add to the board win dinosaur stickers.
2) Math Literacy Block: Box and Whisker Plots (20 min)
  1. List the average yearly incomes in order from least to greatest.
  2. Highlight the minimum and maximum incomes.
  3. Find the median. Highlight it.
  4. Find the medians of the lower half (quartile 1) and higher half (quartile 3). Highlight these.
  5. Make a number line of the range of incomes.
  6. Mark the minimum, quartile 1, the median, quartile 3, and the maximum.
  7. Draw a rectangle around the quartile 1 through 3 with a line at the median.
  8. Then, list a few careers that fall in each area.
  9. Answer: 
    1. Are there any careers that fall very far away from the median?
    2. How does your career compare to other careers money-wise?
    3. What makes your career worth pursuing?
4) Lesson Plan: What choices can you make to empower yourself? (35 min)
  1. Powerful Choices Project
    1. Step 1: Copy the two documents below into your Portfolio Folder in your AVID folder.
    2. Step 2: (Feb 2-6) My Powers
    3. Step 3: (Feb 2-6) Who I am
  2. Create your basic online platform.
    1. Blogger (best if you'll need help from Ms. Nickel)
    2. Weebly
    3. Wix
    4. Other ideas?
5) Success Workshop: SMART Success (20 minutes)
  1. Write a SMART goal for what you hope to accomplish today. Consider:
    1. Revising your notes
    2. Organizing your binder
    3. Working on your work for Coach B
      1. What is your MBTI type and name (example: INFJ, Counselor)?
      2. Do you agree with this assessment or not?
        1. Topic: Define personality or the MBTI. 
        2. Point: What is your type and name? (example: INFJ, Counselor) Do you agree?
        3. Example: List three examples that support if you agree with your results or not.
        4. Elaboration: How do those examples support your point?
        5. Analysis: Tell why knowing your personality is important.
    4. Working on other homework
    5. Making revisions
6) Exit Ticket: Share out highlights of the week!

  1. Get your missing work slip signed!
  2. Work for Coach B Due Friday! Use the document here if you need help.
  3. Due Monday (Share both with me!): My Powers and Who I am

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