Monday, February 2, 2015

What choices can I make to empower myself? (Day 2) ACA DAY! February 3, 2015

Happy ACA Day! AVID Students!!!
    ISTJ, the InspectorLATE: Revise your TPQEA paragraph! Fill out your TRF before class on Wednesday.

Big Idea: Power
Essential Question: What choices can I make to empower myself?
Objectives: I can…
...reflect on the power I have.
...set and meet SMART goals
Performance Task: Create your own project folder, reflect on power, create a word cloud
1) SMART Workshop Time:
  1. Work on your project: I LIED! Delete what you copied yesterday!!! Except for the "My Powers" Document. We will copy each document one at a time so I can make sure things are AWESOME before you work on it!
    1. Step 1: Copy the two documents below into your Portfolio Folder in your AVID folder.
    2. Step 2: (Feb 2-6) My Powers
    3. Step 3: (Feb 2-6) Who I am
  2. Note and Binder Revisions: 
    1. Add HOT questions and summaries.
    2. Highlight key terms.
    3. Make sure your binder is well organized.
  3. Homework for Coach B:
    1. What is your MBTI type and name (example: INFJ, Counselor)?
    2. Do you agree with this assessment or not?
      1. Topic: Define personality or the MBTI.
      2. Point: What is your type and name? (example: INFJ, Counselor) Do you agree?
      3. Example: List three examples that support if you agree with your results or not.
      4. Elaboration: How do those examples support your point?
      5. Analysis: Tell why knowing your personality is important.
  1. LATE: Revise your TPEQEA paragraph!
  2. Fill out your TRF before class on Wednesday.

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