Sunday, February 1, 2015

What choices can I make to empower myself? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Monday, 2 February

Happy Monday AVID Students!!!
  1. LATE: Revise your TPEQEA paragraph!
  2. Fill out your TRF before class on Wednesday.
Big Idea: Power
Essential Question: What choices can I make to empower myself?
Objectives: I can…
...evaluate power in different images.
...demonstrate respectful speaking and listening.
...relate books we've read to power.
...reflect on the power I have.
Performance Task: Create your own project folder, reflect on power, create a word cloud
1) Warm Up: Who has the power? Silent Gallery Walk:
  1. Put a star on the image that you think has the most power.
  2. Put an x on the image that you think has the least power.
  3. Add comments saying why you chose what you chose.
  4. Class recap
2) Emergency Etiquette Recap
  1. Create a cheatsheet that describes what a good audience member does and does not do AND what a good presenter does and does not do.
  2. We will go around the room, you have 30 seconds to tell us as much as you can about what is on your cheatsheet.
  3. Each time we have to stop because a student is being a poor audience member or poor presenter, the class will lose 5 minutes of Family Day on Friday and lose a point from your next college-career readiness grade.
3) Literacy Block: Tossing Lines
  1. Stand in a circle.
  2. Pick a line from the box.
  3. When you get the dinosaur, read your line in a loud, proud, college student voice.
  4. Say how your line relates to power.
  5. Toss the dinosaur.
4) Lesson Plan: What choices can you make to empower yourself?
  1. Introduction to your long term project.
  2. Copy the folder here.
  3. Add this into your portfolio folder from last semester.
  4. Step One and Two: Portfolio and Your Powers
    1. What are your powers? How did you get them? What could you do to lose them? What powers do you want to have in the future?
5) Success Workshop: SMART Revisions
  1. Set a SMART goal describing how many note pages you will revise today.
  2. Add HOT questions and summaries.
  3. Highlight key terms.
  4. Show me what you accomplished!

6) Exit Ticket: Evaluate your success in meeting your goal for today. Set a SMART goal for this week (either for in or out of school).
  1. LATE: Revise your TPEQEA paragraph!
  2. Fill out your TRF before class on Wednesday.

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