Friday, January 30, 2015

What will I bring to my future career? Family Day! Daily Plans: Friday, 30 January

Happy Friday AVID Students!!!
  1. LATE: Revise your TPEQEA paragraphs by Monday night!
  2. Work on your assignments for Coach B!
  3. Sign up for remind!
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: What will I bring to my future career?
Objectives: I can…
…create a Career Brainstorming Collage.
...describe career journeys.
...analyze current events.
...present skits on different careers.
Performance Task: Finish your Career Brainstorming Collage, skits on weird careers
1) Warm Up: My Career Journey

  1. Option 1: Finish your Career Clusters Collage.
  2. Option 2: Send me an email responding to the following:
    1. Subject: Name - Career Journey
    2. Dear Ms. Nickel,
    3. What obstacles might you encounter as you work toward your future career?
    4. How can you turn those obstacles into learning experiences?
    5. In general, why do you think people change careers?
    6. Personally, why might you change careers?
    7. Sincerely, Name
2) Literacy Block: Week in Rap
  1. Before you Watch: See how many of the "Monthly Trivia Quiz" questions you can answer.
  2. As you watch the Week in Rap:
    1. Respond to the questions in a Topic, Point, and Example sentence.
    2. See if you can answer more "Monthly Trivia Quiz" questions.
  3. After you Watch: Finish your TPE sentences.
3) Family Day!
  1. Missing work room OR
  3. THEN: Free time! (capture the flag????)

Finish your Career Brainstorming Collage that you started on Friday.
  1. Get a piece of large construction paper. This is your Career Brainstorming Collage. Organize the following tasks on your paper however you'd like, unless otherwise specified.
    1. Put your name on your paper.
    2. Put the career cluster you've chosen on your paper.
    3. Create a Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat Border by writng...
      1. ...your skills along the top edge of your paper. (ex: planning lessons, patience)
      2. ...opportunities you've had along the right edge of your paper. (ex: summer conferences)
      3. ...your weaknesses along the bottom edge of your paper. (ex: not refocusing students fast enough)
      4. ...things that threaten your success along the left edge of your paper. (ex: getting tired)
    4. Look at the image showing how to reach success. Draw your own "How to Reach Success" graph. Title the graph. Label the axes.
    5. Find a quote about careers that inspires you. Underneath the quote elaborate on why you chose the quote.
    6. Add at least one of the following:
      1. Draw and fill in the flower diagram. If you don't understand a part, add your own section.
      2. Create a pie chart depicting how you want to spend your day. (ex: 40% teaching students, 15% helping students, giving feedback, 15% working with other teachers, 15% being active and relaxing, 15% planning)
      3. Create a comic showing what you would NOT do during an interview.
      4. Draw a briefcase or totebag and what you would bring to work with you everyday.
      5. Name a company you'd like to work for. Look up the mission or vision statement of the company. Copy it onto your poster.
  1. LATE: Revise your TPEQEA paragraphs by Monday night!
  2. Work on your assignments for Coach B!
  3. Sign up for remind!

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