Thursday, January 8, 2015

What does college, career, and life ready look like for me? (Day 3) Daily Plans: Friday, 9 January

Happy Family Day!
  1. Read the syllabus with your parents. Have them watch and respond to the intro flip class video.
  2. Sign up for remind!
  3. Discuss your pie chart with your parents/guardians. (See literacy block section.)
  4. January Challenge Day 3!!!!!!: Soccer Tournament
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: What does college, career, and life ready look like for me?
Objectives: I can…
...write an intention for the year.
...make sure I can log in to blackboard.
...describe my ideal career.
...identify a career cluster I am interested in.
1) Warm Up: I am... (1:27)

  1. Write an "I am____because/so that____" statement on your index card. This statement should share what you want to be this year!
    1. Examples: I am focused so that I get could grades. I am a supportive friend because I care. I am active because that keeps me healthy.
  2. Blackboard Crash Course and Login Attempt
    1. First Login Info
    2. Blackboard
  3. Share out! Any interesting comments from parents/guardians on your pie charts?
2) Career Clusters: What color is your parachute? (1:50)
  1. Read the excerpt from this article based on "What color is your parachute?".
  2. While you read, list:
    1. 5 verbs for things you want to do almost daily in your career (teach, research, build, design)
    2. 4 values that you have that relate to your career (flexibility, make beautiful things)
    3. 3 goals you want to accomplish in your career (make money, help people, have a doctorate)
    4. 2 answers to questions asked in the article
    5. 1 career cluster you are interested in
3) Family Day in the Gym:
  1. Career Cluster Clusters
    1. Find people with the same career clusters.
    2. Highlight things that occur on multiple cards.
    3. List three problems you and the people in your career cluster want to solve.
    4. List two questions you have about your career cluster.
    5. Share out the name of your cluster, the problems, and the questions.
  2. Personal bingo 

  1. Read the syllabus with your parents. Have them watch and respond to the intro flip class video.
  2. Sign up for remind!
  3. January Challenge Day 3 !!!!!!: Soccer Tournament

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