Sunday, January 11, 2015

How can I use my role in our community to make a difference? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Monday, 12 January

Happy Monday AVID Buddies!
  1. Sign up for remind!
  2. Type and revise your TPEQEA paragraph by Friday!
  3. ACA journal and icebreaker forum due Friday!
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: How can I use my role in our community to make a difference?
Objectives: I can…
...analyze a TPEQEA paragraph.
...give a clear 30 second speech.
...list who is in my support network.
1) Warm Up: 3...2...1...TUTORIALS! WOOT! (1:32)
  1. January Challenge.
  2. List the following to help you prepare for Tutorials:
    1. List THREE main ideas you covered this week in any class.
    2. List TWO terms from any of your classes.
    3. List ONE thing you are confused about or found difficult.
2) Tutorial Time - TPEQEA Addition (2:15)

  1. Before Tutorials:
    1. Take out your TPEQEA paragraph and open up the rubric here.
    2. Fill out your TRF. The teacher question should be the prompt you chose for your paragraph. The POC should be the part of the paragraph you struggled with the most in writing OR the thing you had trouble with when self-evaluating.
    3. Set up Three Column Notes: Point of Confusion, Notes, Steps.
  2. In your Tutorial Groups:
    1. Decide on a moderator who will make sure everyone gives a 30 second speech and that classmates ask questions.
    2. Give a thirty second speech, help your classmates, fill in your three column notes.
  3. After the Tutorial: (2:05)
    1. Fill out three questions that helped you, two questions you asked, one summary of what you learned.
    2. Revise your paragraph. Your typed and revised paragraph is due on Friday.

3) Lesson Plan: My Support Network
  1. Create two word clusters:
    1. I struggle with...
    2. I can help others with...
  2. Speed Support Network
    1. Half the class will move every 45 seconds. You will tell your classmate one thing you struggle with and they will tell you one way they can help. Switch.
    2. Move down the line.
    3. Repeat.
  3. Study Buddies!
    1. For each of your classes, list a study buddy and how you can get in touch with him or her.
    2. Add "My Support Network" to your TOC and put the paper in your binder.
    3. Write in your TOC why it is important to have a support network.
  1. Sign up for remind!
  2. Type and revise your TPEQEA paragraph by Friday!
  3. ACA journal and icebreaker forum due Friday!

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