Monday, January 12, 2015

How can I use my role in our community to make a difference? ACA Day! Tuesday, 13 January

Happy ACA Day!
  1. Read the syllabus with your parents. Have them watch and respond to the intro flip class video.
  2. Sign up for remind!
  3. Finish writing your TPEQEA paragraph by Wednesday!!
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: How can I use my role in our community to make a difference?
Objectives: I can…
...complete my college work.
...write a TPEQEA paragraph.
...self evaluate my TPEQEA writing.
1) Lesson Plan: Study Hall
  1. Finish your assignment for ACA.
  2. Write a TPEQEA paragraph that responds to one of the following questions:
    1. Do you support free community college for all?
    2. How would the US be different if we had community college for all?
  3. Use the rubric here to self-evalute your TPEQEA writing.

  1. Read the syllabus with your parents. Have them watch and respond to the intro flip class video.
  2. Sign up for remind!
  3. Finish writing your TPEQEA paragraph by Wednesday!!
  4. Meet in Lett Room 407 at 1:22 tomorrow. We will leave from my room at 1:19. BE HERE or you might get lost!!!

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