Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What does college, career, and life ready look like for me? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Thursday, 8 January

Happy Thursday AVID Buddies!!!
  1. Read the syllabus with your parents. Have them watch and respond to the intro flip class video.
  2. Sign up for remind!
  3. Discuss your pie chart with your parents/guardians. (See literacy block section.)
  4. January Challenge Day 2!!!!!!:5 Push-Ups!
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: What does college, career, and life ready look like for me?
Objectives: I can…
...describe and illustrate what will make me a successful student.
...create a pie chart showing how expensive life is.
...practice tutorials.
...organize your binders.
1) Warm Up: I am...An AVID Student! (1:30)

  1. Visit each index card posted around the room.
  2. Add on words or images that show what you think each phrase means.
  3. Put question marks if you don't understand what someone put, xs if you disagree, and stars if you thought of the same thing.
  4. Share out!

2) Literacy Block, Math Edition: How much does life cost? (1:45)
  1. Read the blog post here.
  2. Sketch a pie chart based on the expense categories listed in the article.
    1. Title your pie chart "How Money is Spent on Me".
    2. Include labels or a key showing each category and percent.
    3. Underneath, write the range of money families spend on their children.
  3. Bring this home! Thank your parents/guardians for all they do. Ask them if they think this pie chart looks roughly accurate or if they spend money in a different way.
  4. Discuss: Why does this make college relevant?
3) Lesson Plan: (2:20)

  1. With your group create a mini-poster (on computer paper) that explains your assigned procedure:
    1. How to fill in a TRF (+ what to do if you "don't have a POC")
    2. What to do before Tutorials on Wednesday (3,2,1; three column notes, gather materials)
    3. How to give an awesome 30 second speech
    4. How to ask guiding questions that lead people to understand their POCs
    5. What to do if you finish early
  2. Share out!
  3. Decide on a practice POC and fill out a TRF with your group.
  4. Complete a fish bowl mock tutorial.
    1. Participants: Demonstrate steps 3-5 above.
    2. Observers: List pluses, deltas, and clarifying questions.
  5. Discuss!
  1. Review the note and binder check procedures. This will start next week!
  2. Blackboard Crash Course and Login Attempt
    1. First Login Info
    2. Blackboard
  3. SMART List for Today:
    1. Set up your binder/s. Make sure you have a TOC for each class. Put your syllabus behind it!
    2. Set up Google Drive with a folder for each class.
    3. Check your email.
5) Exit Ticket: Hopes and Fears (2:45)

  1. On your sticky note, list a hope and a fear for this semester.
  2. Post your sticky note on the back board before you leave.
  1. Read the syllabus with your parents. Have them watch and respond to the intro flip class video.
  2. Sign up for remind!
  3. January Challenge Day 2!!!!!!:5 Push-Ups!
January Challenge Day 1:

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