Sunday, January 4, 2015

What does college, career, and life ready look like for me? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Wednesday, 7 January

Welcome to your SECOND SEMESTER AVID Buddies!!!
  1. Read the syllabus with your parents. Have them watch and respond to the intro flip class video.
  2. Sign up for remind!
  3. January Challenge Day 1!!!!!!
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: What does college, career, and life ready look like for me?
Objectives: I can…
...describe and illustrate what will make me a successful student.
...practice tutorials.
...identify why I have chosen the career cluster I have chosen.
1) Warm Up: January Challenge!
AVID has many goals. Two of these goals are to create a community of learners and to set and reach personal and academic goals. SO, we will kick off the semester with a January Challenge - a series of mini, silly, fun, interesting class community designed goals!
  1. Read the rules and introduction on the document above.
  2. On the day with your name next to it, add your mini-challenge. **Note: A Ms. Nickel Pet Peeve is messing with other people's work in Google Docs. DO NOT DO IT.**
  3. When you finish, add on to the banner on the back board about what AVID is!

2) Intro to AVID II: Syllabus Skim
  1. Overview of weekly structure and ACA
  2. Big Ideas
  3. Things to look forward to
  4. Tutorial and Family Day rotations
  5. Family Day Policies
  6. Expectations!
3) Literacy Block
  1. Before you Read: Illustrate and label what you think a college ready student would look, act, and think like.
  2. While you partner read the article here:
    1. Choose one color to highlight everything you think you’ve mastered already.
    2. Choose one color to highlight everything you need to work on.
  3. After you Read: Add to the "What I want to work on" section of the banner on the back board.
4) Lesson Plan: What does college, career, and life ready look like for you?
This semester we will explore what it means to be a college and high school student who is career and life ready, empowered, successful, respectful, motivated, and a strong self-advocate. Today, we will overview what this looks and doesn't look like at LEC!
  1. Working by yourself or with your partner, illustrate what the phrase on your card means to you (you may use phones or computers for research.)
  2. Leave the card on your table.
  3. Walk around the room and annotate the other cards.
    1. Put a star on the card if you agree with what your classmates wrote.
    2. Put a question mark if you need something clarified.
    3. Draw your own version of the the phrase if it means something else to you!
  4. Debrief as a class.
  1. Review the note and binder check procedures. This will start next week!
  2. The class SMART goal for today is to finish organizing your binders with sections for each class and to create a folder for each class in your Google Drive by 2:42.
6) Exit Ticket: SMART goal success!
  1. Rank how successful you were at meeting our SMART goal.
  2. List anything you need to finish for homework as well as the homework listed above.


  1. Read the syllabus with your parents. Have them watch and respond to the intro flip class video.
  2. Sign up for remind!
  3. January Challenge Day 1!!!!!!
    1. Ms. Nickel's Challenge of the Day: Map Apps for Wandering and Happiness :-) 
      • Which do you value more? Efficiency or exploration?

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