Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful? Daily Plans: Thursday, 11 December

Happy LDOC AVID Students!

  1. Study on!
  2. Treat Yourself :)
  3. Ask your parents for website feedback! Make LEC a better place!!! WOOT!!!!
Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...evaluate the AVID Elective program at LEC.
...write positive feedback for my classmates.
...set a SMART goal and study!
...destress and decompress :-).
1) Warm Up: Course Evaluation! Tell me how AVID went for you!

2) SMART Study Hall!

  1. Set a SMART goal for 30 minutes.
  2. Work silently on something of your choosing.
  3. Evaluate!
3) Awards Ceremony
  1. Make an award for the person on your index card. It can be silly or serious :-).
  2. Exchange awards.
4) AVID Exam Questions and Grade Check
  1. Log in to PowerSchools.
  2. Look at your grades.
  3. Let me know if there are any that are different than you expected. You must have the assignment to show me.
  4. Ask me to clarify any questions you have on exam procedures OR the content of the AVID exam.
5) Business to Take Care of:
  1. Turn in ALL laptop components!
  2. Put desks in rows.
  3. Recycle papers.
6)  Family Time! Your choice! (Start around 2:15)
  1. Ms. Nickel: Outdoor Fun! (yoga, soccer, etc)
  2. Mrs. Testa: Game Room
  3. Mrs. Kitchens: Quiet Room: Catch up on missing work, make holiday cards, etc.
  4. Mrs. Cunkelman: Holiday Film Festival

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