Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What choices can I make now and in college to help me meet my goals? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 10 December

Happy College Info Wednesday AVID Students!

  1. Make sure you finish your post-studying review task.
  2. Study on!
  3. Treat Yourself :)
  4. Ask your parents for website feedback! Make LEC a better place!!! WOOT!!!!
Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
Essential Question: What choices can I make now and in college to help me meet my goals?
Objectives: I can...
...identify what I know and want to know about college.
...describe a study abroad program.
...ask questions about college.
...set and meet SMART studying goals.
Warm Up: My Study Plan (1:22-1:27)
  1. Create a KWL (Know, Want to know, Learned) chart on a sheet of paper. 
  2. List what you already know about college.
  3. Write questions you want answered about college, specifically study abroad and UNC-G.
Danielle Fiore's Presentation

Q&A and SMART Study Hall with Mrs. Cunkelman and Ms. Nickel
  1. You have 10 minutes to ask us questions about college - student life, scholarships, applications, financial aid, roommate stories, where to live, classes, etc.
  2. After the 10 minutes are up, set a SMART goal. Mrs. Cunkelman or Ms. Nickel will make sure your goal is SMART.
  3. Work toward your goal.
  4. Evaluate your success with an emoji!
Exit Ticket:
  1. List what you learned about college.
  2. Cross off questions that got answered. 
  3. List any new questions you have.
  4. Turn in your KWL.

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