Monday, December 8, 2014

How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful? (Day 7) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 9 December

Happy Collaborative Study Groups Tuesday AVID Students!

  1. Make sure you finish your post-studying review task.
  2. Study on!
  3. Treat Yourself :)
  4. Ask your parents for website feedback! Make LEC a better place!!! WOOT!!!!
Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...practice writing in TPEQEA.
...set up Cornell notes.
...write an Essential Question.
...prioritize what I need to study.
...collaborate with classmates to clarify a point-of-confusion.
1) Warm Up: My Study Plan (1:22-1:30)
  1. List what you will study each day for each class on your Exam Survival Kit calendar.
  2. Add smiley faces to your exam days!
2) AVID Exam Review (1:30-2:10)
  1. Check the topic you are reviewing and where you are going today.
  2. TPEQEA Pass Along Story
    1. Sit in a circle of 4 students.
    2. On your paper, write a point sentence.
    3. Pass your paper to the right.
    4. The next person writes an example and then folds over the point. Pass again.
    5. Write an elaboration. Fold over the example. Pass again.
    6. The final person writes an analysis. Give the paper to the owner.
    7. The owner unfolds the paper and writes a topic relating everything.
    8. Debrief: What do you need to consider as you write each sentence in a TPEQEA paragraph?
  3. The Great Cornell Note Race
      1. Find a topic that you could take Cornell notes on here.
      2. Set up a Cornell note page.
      3. Write an Essential Question that is related to the topic you found. 
        1. Think: change, power, relationships, patterns, etc...
      4. Label what goes in each section of your Cornell notes.
      5. The winner earns two lollipops :-).
      3) Success Workshop: Collaborative Study Groups (2:10-2:41)
      **Students who took the Accuplacer - Catch up on what you missed in class today! CONGRATS!!!!**
      1. Go to the classroom you are assigned to.
      2. In your groups, review and use your study tools and then ask each other clarifying questions.
      3. If you finish early, start making a group study guide. Decide on different things to focus on and take neat notes on that section. Share with each other.
        4) Exit Ticket: Work on your after studying task! Finish at home if needed!
        • Math sheet from Mrs. Testa
        • 5-4-3-2-1
        • Learning Log

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