Sunday, December 7, 2014

How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful? (Day 6) Daily Plans: Monday, 8 December

Happy Study Workshop Monday AVID Students!
  1. Make sure your study tool is ready for tomorrow!
  2. Study on!
  3. Treat Yourself :)
Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...practice exam taking thought processes.
...prioritize what I need to study.
...create a tool for studying an area that confuses me.
1) Warm Up: Design the Perfect Playground! (1:22-1:32)
  • Establish your audience: You and your friends? People in a retirement home? Kids at a zoo? In a neighborhood? For future gymnasts? 
  • Sketch and label your design.

2) Be a Master Exam Taker! (1:35-2:10)
  1. Check the topic you are reviewing and where you are going tomorrow.
  2. Fishbowl of Exam Thinking
    1. On your own: Find a multiple choice question related to the topic you are reviewing today.
    2. As a class: List what you can ask yourself as you answer test questions. List what you can do if you start to panic.
      1. Examples for what to ask yourself:
        1. Are there trick words in this question? (most/least likely, best answer, which is false/true)
        2. What is the question asking me to do?
        3. How does this relate to class? (labs, papers you wrote, vocab you learned)
        4. Are there any answer choices I can eliminate? (things you've never heard of, dumb answer choices)
        5. Did I read each answer choice? 
        6. Do I want to revisit this question if I have time?
      2. Examples for what to do if you freeze:
        1. Mind Dump
        2. Self-Calming strategy: Count your breathing, close your eyes and imagine your favorite place, repeat "I am prepared"
        3. Star it and move on
    3. In groups: Act out answering your sample question. You have to hit at least 5 things from our class list before you can move on!
  3. Graphic Organize It!
    1. Find your notes for the topic you are reviewing today.
    2. Create a graphic organizer that includes at least 5 details about your topic.
    3) Success Workshop: Create a Study Tool (2:10-2:41)
    **Work on missing work and revisions before doing this!**
    **Students taking the Accuplacer - keep on studying!**
    1. Check what topic you will be focusing on tomorrow. 
    2. Tell me if you want to change your area of focus.
    3. Read and revise your notes that review information for that class.
    4. Create your study tool using your planning sheet.
      4) Exit Ticket: Mind dump for your topic of review for tomorrow. Do this on the border of your planning sheet.

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