Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful? (Day 5) Daily Plans: Friday, 5 December

Happy Collaborative Group Work Friday AVID Students!
  1. Make sure you have completed your collaborative study assignment task.
  2. Review the topic you studied today again, this time on your own. 
  3. Study on!
Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...determine what I need to study and how best to study.
...list ways to reduce test anxiety.
...ask questions when needed.
1) Warm Up: Self-Evaluate (1:22-1:30) (OR Make a sticky note thank you card for your Sophomore Buddy if you already finished the survey!)

2) Decompression Time (1:30-1:42)
Choose one of the following:
  1. Make positive affirmation sticky notes for yourself or others.
  2. Color a coloring page.
  3. Nap.
  4. Listen to music.
  5. Walk around the school building.
  6. Read.
3) Study Tools Time! (1:42-2:37)
  1. Check where you are going! The color shading shows your group.
  2. Share each person's study tool.
    1. Quiz each other with flash cards and foldables. 
    2. Do practice problems.
    3. Work on your summative task. If you don't finish, do it at home!
      1. 5-4-3-2-1
      2. Math sheet
    4. Decide on a group secretary.
    5. Tell your secretary any confusions you have so they can be emailed to your teacher.
      1. Dear ______, We studied ______(your topic) in AVID. These are the things we are still confused about. Please tell us how we can get help! Thank you! Sincerely, Secretary's name
Accuplacer Review With Ms. Sawyer (Freshmen - in Ms. Nickel's room, Sophmores - in Mr. Testa's office)

  1. Make sure you have your review packet.
  2. Ask Ms. Sawyer specific questions and decide what topics you need to review.
  3. Watch the video below.

4) Exit Ticket: Treat Yourself! (2:37-2:45)
  1. Vote on a teacher approved option and TREAT YOURSELVES!
    1. Run to the vending machine and get snacks. Go straight to the buses.
    2. Blow bubbles.
    3. Play hangman.
    4. Write all over the board.
    5. Play silent ball.
    6. Dance party.
    7. Make a music video and surprise another teacher with it.

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