Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful? (Day 4) Daily Plans: Thursday, 4 December

Happy Study Workshop Thursday AVID Students!
  1. Make sure your study tool is ready for tomorrow!
  2. Study on!
  3. Treat Yourself :)
Where to go tomorrow:
Cunkelman: Nathaniel, Rebekah, Michael, Taniya, Naquan, Eric, Grace
Testa: Alanna, Chere', Michaela, Kayla, Zorayma, Skylar, Xavier
Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...list ways to avoid unicorn ride anxiety.
...prioritize what I need to study.
...create a tool for studying an area that confuses me.
1) Warm Up: Exam Survival Kit and Planning (1:22-1:35)

  1. Familiarize yourself with what is in your exam survival kit.
  2. Take out your calendar. 
    1. Plan out how you will study.
    2. Add smiley faces or encouraging notes to your exam days.
  3. Write an encouraging thank you note to your buddy.

2) Literacy Block and Lesson Plan: How Successful People Stay Calm
  1. Before you Read: 
    1. Finish the statement, "I feel confident on tests when..."
    2. List what you think when you take tests.
    3. Evaluate as a class: Is our self-talk helpful or harmful?
  2. As you Read:
    1. Partner read the first two paragraphs.
    2. Skim the tips.
    3.  INDIVIDUALLY respond to the questions on Diigo sticky notes OR on an index card in bright colors so you have reminders.
  3. After you Read:
    1. List your favorite ways to reduce test anxiety. Here are mine:
      1. Take deep breaths.
      2. Power pose before you start!
      3. Do mini-yoga during your breaks.
      4. As soon as you get your test - MIND DUMP!
      5. Write and repeat and think and (before your test) scream affirmations!
    3) Lesson Plan: Create a Study Tool
    **Work on missing work and revisions before doing this!**
    **Students taking the Accuplacer - Finish reading the review packet and doing the practice questions!**
    1. Check what topic you will be focusing on tomorrow. 
    2. Tell me if you want to change your area of focus.
    3. Read and revise your notes that review information for that class.
    4. Create your study tool using your planning sheet.
    4) Exit Ticket: Anti-Anxiety Moment
    1. Learn to do a Sun salutation.
    2. Make a bookmark with a positive affirmation.
    3. Do a mind dump for two of your exams.

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