Tuesday, December 2, 2014

How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful? (Day 3) Wednesday, 3 December

Happy Tutorial Wednesday AVID Students!
  1. Study on!
  2. Treat Yourself :)
Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...identify my points-of-confusion.
...explain my point-of-confusion.
...demonstrate respect and responsibility during the tutorial process.
...preview the AVID exam.
1) Warm Up: Tutorial Challenge (1:22-1:30)
  1. Turn in your 10 Day Review Collaborative Study Sheet and Summative Task.
  2. Imagine the perfect tutorial.
  3. Choose a VERY specific thing you want to see done PERFECTLY in a tutorial.
  4. Create a badge on an index card that someone could earn during a tutorial. 
    1. Example: 30 Second Speech Selector: Awarded for reminding the next person to start his or her 30 second speech.
    2. Non-Example: Great job!
  5. Share out badge ideas. Today in tutorial you will have the chance to try to earn badges.
2) Literacy Block: Reading through my notes! (1:30-1:45)
  1. Before you read: 3...2...1...BLASTTTT OFFFF!!!! (SKIP LINES between each thing so you have space for notes!!!)
    1. List 3 main ideas you need to review.
    2. List 2 words you remember hearing but forgot the definition of.
    3. List 1 thing you really want to review.
  2. As you read: Fill in your 3...2...1...
    1. Take notes on the main ideas you needed to review.
    2. Define the 2 words you listed.
    3. Find your notes on the the thing you need to review.
  3. After you read: Fill out a TRF.
3) Tutorial Time! (1:45-2:15)
**Chere', Alanna, Taniya, Rebekah, Eric, Xavier, Michael - finish and send me your portfolios BEFORE participating!**Eric, Michael, Xavier, fix your stick figure!**
  1. Set up three column notes (POC, Notes, Steps to Solve).
  2. Break into groups.
  3. Begin the tutorial process. Remember - you are trying to earn badges!!
    1. Decide who goes first.
    2. Make sure you have three column notes on the board.
    3. Give a 30 second speech.
    4. Ask each other guiding questions.
    5. Fill out your three-column notes.
  4. After tutorial: On the back of your TRF, rank yourself from a 1-4 on the following:
    1. My understanding of my POC
    2. My mastery of the Tutorial Process
  5. Badge Awards!
4) Brain Break and Transition

5) Your Time to Review, Revise, and Get Ready! (2:20-2:40)
  1. These are your options for work:
    1. Finish any missing work.
    2. Complete revisions for low grades.
    3. Study for any class.
    4. Check your cougarmail and powerschool. Organize your binder and notes.
  2. These are your options for self-rewards:
    1. Watch YouTube video.
    2. Get a sticker.
    3. Blow bubbles.
    4. Color.
  3. Set a SMART goal for until 2:40.
  4. Work!
  5. Exit Ticket: 5 minutes of self-reward time!

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