Monday, December 1, 2014

How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 2 December

Happy Collaborative Group Work Tuesday AVID Students!
  1. Make sure you have completed your collaborative study assignment task.
  2. Review the topic you studied today again, this time on your own. 
  3. Study on!
Big Idea: Structures and relationships support success
Essential Question: How can I approach studying in a way that will help me be successful?
Objectives: I can...
...determine what I need to study and how best to study.
...list ways to reduce test anxiety.
...ask questions when needed.
1) Warm Up: Study SMART!
  1. Set a studying or revising SMART goal for this week.
  2. Set a de-stress SMART goal for this week.
2) Literacy Block: Study Tips
  1. Before you read: Share your favorite way to study.
  2. As you read: Jot down new tips for studying.
  3. After you read: Make a study cheat sheet for yourself. Where will you study? For how long? When will you start?
  4. My favorite tips:
    1. Chunk it - switch between topics so you don't forget anything or wear yourself out.
    2. Treat yourself
    3. Good studying is a pattern! Study by yourself, in a group, by yourself!
    4. Write and color and draw
    5. Mind dump when you freeze!
3) Study Tools Time!
  1. Finish creating your study tool.
  2. Study the topic you are confused about.
  3. At 1:53: MIND DUMP! List everything you remember about your topic!
  4. Check where you are going! The color shading shows your group.
  5. Pack up and go there!
4) Collaborative Study Groups!
  1. Share each person's study tool.
    1. Ask clarifying questions.
    2. Quiz each other with flash cards and foldables. 
    3. Do practice problems.
  2. At 2:35 work on your summative task. Finish this at home.
5) Exit Ticket:
  1. Decide on a group secretary.
  2. Tell your secretary any confusions you have so they can be emailed to your teacher.
    1. Dear ______, We studied ______(your topic) in AVID. These are the things we are still confused about. Please tell us how we can get help! Thank you! Sincerely, Secretary's name

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