Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How can I study and prepare for classes successfully? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Thursday, 22 January

Happy Thursday AVID Buddies!
  1. Sign up for remind!
  2. Work on your assignments for Coach B!
  3. Check your study calendar!
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: How can I study and prepare for classes successfully?
Objectives: I can…
...write a scene using elements of magical realism. the importance of revisiting notes.
...list effective ways for me to study.
...create a study tool.
1) Warm Up: Magically Real, Really Magical (1:30)

  1. Your father drags you to the grocery store. You are incredibly bored until... (Add a magical element and tell a story!)
  2. Write (or type in an email) until I say stop.
  3. On your sticky note, write your name and predominant learning style (VARK).

2) Literacy Block: Dr. Pauk's Letter and Ebbinghaus's Curve of Forgetting (1:55)

  1. Before you read: 
    1. List the steps to the Cornell process and why you think each is important. 
    2. Share out ways you revisit notes and ideas in classes.
  2. While you read: 
    1. Mark the text: 
      1. Highlight in one color the different steps of the Cornell note process.
      2. Highlight in another color the main purpose of asking questions.
      3. Highlight in a third color the goal of a summary.
      4. Put checks if you agree with a part, Xs if you disagree, and question marks if you need clarification.
    2. Chunk it! Draw lines where one section stops and another begins.
  3. After you read:
    1. Next to your highlighted marks, rank yourself (1 = lost, 4 = boss!).
    2. For the area you rank weakest, work with a nieghbor to add a HOT question.
    3. Write a summary.
    4. Add this to your TOC and binder!

3) Lesson Plan: Studying and Learning Styles (2:25)

  1. See if you can sketch the Curve of Forgetting from memory. Today we will look at a slightly different version.
  2. Get into your learning styles group.
  3. List strategies that help you remember material. Use the resources below for ideas:
    1. Study Tips for Different Learning Styles
    2. Learning Styles Study Tips
    3. Study/Test Tips for all Types of Learners 
  4. Categorize your list of strategies for remembering onto the repititions on your Curve of Forgetting.
  5. Then, make a study tool for the class you struggle with most.
    1. Example:  I am a visual learner taking AFM.
      1. Study tool one: Go through my notes from the semester and color code pertinent information using a highlighter.  I will also make a key for what each of the colors mean.  (Then I would actually go through my notes and do this.)
      2. Study tool two: I will re-write a section of my notes that I do not fully understand.  However, as I re-write the notes, I will add pictures and make connections.

4) Success Workshop: ACA Focus Time! (2:45)

  1. Work on your Learning Styles Forum for Coach B.
    1. Point: I enjoy ____ class and am weak in classes that require me to ____ because my learning style is _____.
      1. Example: I enjoy English and am weak in classes that require me to throw things because my learning style is verbal.
    2. Example: Describe a time you showed strength in a class.
    3. Example: Describe a time you showed weakness in a class.
    4. Elaboration: Relate both to your learning style.
    5. Analysis: Why does knowing your learning style matter?
  2. Use the feedback I gave you on your notes and binders to make revisions to your organization.
  3. Work on work for another class.

5) Exit Ticket: Add your returned work to your binder and TOC.
  1. Sign up for remind!
  2. Work on your assignments for Coach B!
  3. Check your study calendar!

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