Thursday, January 22, 2015

What will I bring to my future career? Daily Plans: Friday, 23 January

Happy Family Day AVID Buddies!
  1. Sign up for remind!
  2. Work on your assignments for Coach B!
  3. Check your study calendar!
  4. Revise your TPEQEA paragraphs by Monday night!
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: What will I bring to my future career?
Objectives: I can…
...create a Career Brainstorming Collage.
...list my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
...characterize my dream career. an AVID Family community at LEC! 
1) Warm Up/Pre-Family Day Task
  1. Get a piece of large construction paper. This is your Career Brainstorming Collage. Organize the following tasks on your paper however you'd like, unless otherwise specified.
    1. Put your name on your paper.
    2. Put the career cluster you've chosen on your paper.
    3. Create a Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat Border by writng...
      1. ...your skills along the top edge of your paper. (ex: planning lessons, patience)
      2. ...opportunities you've had along the right edge of your paper. (ex: summer conferences)
      3. ...your weaknesses along the bottom edge of your paper. (ex: not refocusing students fast enough)
      4. ...things that threaten your success along the left edge of your paper. (ex: getting tired)
    4. Look at the image showing how to reach success. Draw your own "How to Reach Success" graph. Title the graph. Label the axes.
    5. Find a quote about careers that inspires you. Underneath the quote elaborate on why you chose the quote.
    6. Add at least one of the following:
      2. Draw and fill in the flower diagram. If you don't understand a part, add your own section.
      3. Create a pie chart depicting how you want to spend your day. (ex: 40% teaching students, 15% helping students, giving feedback, 15% working with other teachers, 15% being active and relaxing, 15% planning)
      4. Create a comic showing what you would NOT do during an interview.
      5. Draw a briefcase or totebag and what you would bring to work with you everyday.
      6. Name a company you'd like to work for. Look up the mission or vision statement of the company. Copy it onto your poster.
2) Family Day: Quiz-Quiz-Trade, Free Time, and Missing Work Room
  1. Head to the gym at 1:45.
  2. If you have missing work, you will be working on that.
  3. Quiz-Quiz-Trade:
    1. On a scrap piece of paper or sticky note, write a question you could ask someone as an icebreaker. (ex: Which do you prefer chocolate or vanilla icecream? Would you rather read a sonnet or a short magical realism story? Do you prefer to graph on a calculator or by hand? What is the coolest place you've travelled to? What is the best TV show and why? I want to be a _____ when I grow up.)
    2. Hand Up-Pair Up! Ask each other your questions, trade cards, continue.
    3. Share out of interesting facts
  4. Free time!

    1. Sign up for remind!
    2. Work on your assignments for Coach B!
    3. Check your study calendar!
    4. Revise your TPEQEA paragraphs by Monday night!

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