Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How can I study and prepare for classes successfully? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 21 January

Happy Wednesday AVID Buddies!
  1. Sign up for remind!
  2. Work on your assignments for Coach B!
  3. Dress fancy tomorrow!
Big Idea: Change
Essential Question: How can I study and prepare for classes successfully?
Objectives: I can…
...write a variety of types of questions.
...summarize what I've learned.
...create a study plan.
1) Warm Up: 3...2...1...TUTORIALS! WOOT! (1:32)
  1. January Challenge. Create an acronym. Dress fancy tomorrow!
  2. List the following to help you prepare for Tutorials:
    1. List THREE main ideas you covered this week in any class.
    2. List TWO terms from any of your classes.
    3. List ONE thing you are confused about or found difficult.
  3. I will be checking binders and notes throughout today. Please take out your binders and notes. Tab one note set you'd like me to look at.
2) Tutorial Time: Socratic Question Game (2:20)
  1. Before the Tutorial:
    1. Fill out the before you read section of your Socratic Question Game sheet. (5 min)
    2. List questions. (12 min)
    3. Get with a group of people who have (generally) the same content area.
  2. During the Game: Follow the directions on your sheet. Keep score!
  3. After the Game: Finish the 3, 2, 1 on your sheet and turn your sheet in.
3) Lesson Plan: Backwards Calendars
  1. Mark when you have benchmarks on your calendar.
  2. Discuss with a neighbor some different ways to study and resources you have to study.
  3. Plan a basic list of what you'll do each day to review.
  4. Add other major due dates/assignments (working on ACA work).
  5. Work on paragraph revisions and work for Coach B.
4) Exit Ticket: Add any returned work AND your calendar to your Table of Contents.
  1. Sign up for remind!
  2. Work on your assignments for Coach B!
  3. Dress fancy tomorrow!

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