Monday, January 19, 2015

How does your learning style impact your college experience? ACA Day! Tuesday, 20 January

Happy ACA Day!

Here's what you can work on:

  1. Revising your paragraph on free community college.
  2. Writing your Learning Styles Forum:
    1. Point: I enjoy ____ class and am weak in classes that require me to ____ because my learning style is _____.
      1. Example: I enjoy English and am weak in classes that require me to throw things because my learning style is verbal.
    2. Example: Describe a time you showed strength in a class.
    3. Example: Describe a time you showed weakness in a class.
    4. Elaboration: Relate both to your learning style.
    5. Analysis: Why does knowing your learning style matter?
  3. Your College Beginnings Journal
    1. What are your biggest fears about beginning your college career? Please list three.
    2. What are your goals and motivations for beginning college classes? Please list at least 
      1. One short-term goal (this semester). 
      2. One mid-term goal (before transferring)
      3. One long term goal (after transferring).
    • Remember, your journals are ALWAYS confidential. 

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