Monday, November 3, 2014

How can understanding the relationship between authority and respect empower you? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 4 November

Happy Voting Day AVID Buddies!
Homework: Encourage your elders to vote! (Like Mrs. Cunkelman. Sometimes she forgets...)
Big Idea: Power influences futures
Essential Question: How can understanding the relationship between authority and respect empower you?
Objectives: I can...
...make informed decisions about who I want to have authority.
...determine who will have authority in the future in a mock election by reading graphs.
...evaluate who has authority in my life and who has my respect.
1) Warm Up: What would you do with all that power? MINIONS FOR A WEEK! (Last year a student said she'd eat one. Don't. Be. That. Student.)
2) Literacy Block: Mock Election! 
  1. Before you vote: Predict who you think will win for at least two of the different offices.
  2. Do your research!
  3. Vote!
  4. Look at the results here!
  5. After you vote: Revise your predictions.
3) Authority and Respect in My Life
  1. Write in your notebook:
    1. What does respect look and sound like to me? Not look and sound like?
  2. Create a chart, list, or Venn diagram showing:
    1. Who has authority in your life? What does each person have authority over? 
    2. Who do you respect? Why do you resepect each person?
    3. Does anyone inherently deserve respect? Why or why not? Who?
4) Success Workshop: Binder Party!
  1. Make sure every paper is in rings.
  2. Each paper should be listed in a TOC.
5) Exit Ticket:
  1. List three awesome things that a classmate or classmates have done recently.

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