Sunday, November 2, 2014

How can understanding the relationship between authority and respect empower you? Daily Plans: Monday, 3 November

Happy Monday AVID students!
Homework: REVISE your notes!
Big Idea: Power influences futures
Essential Question: How can understanding the relationship between authority and respect empower you?
Objectives: I can...
...reflect on the UNC-G adventure!
...define authority and respect.
...evaluate different candidates platforms.
1) Warm Up: UNC-G Reflection and Evaluation
*Make intelligent comments and I'll send them to UNC-G :-)! HELP IMPROVE THE WORLD!*

2) Literacy Block: Students 'should learn to respect authority' - and to disobey it

  1. Before you read:
    1. Define "authority" in your own words.
      1. the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
      2. a person or organization having power or control in a particular, typically political or administrative, sphere.
    2. Define "respect" in your own words.
      1. a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
    3. Predict who has authority in choosing what is covered in high school curricula.
  2. While and After you read: 
    1. Take notes and answer the questions in the diigo annotated article above.
3) Lesson Plan: Who has authority?
  1. Watch the TEDx talk below.
  2. As you watch:
    1. Describe what an imposter is.
    2. Decide where you fall on the continuum from imposter to authority.
    3. List what you can do to have more authority in your life.
  3. Changing Gears! Mock-Election Preparation:
    1. Brainstorm and list: What are you looking for in your elected officials?
    2. Take the quiz here to find the candidates that fit your expectations. Are you surprised by the results?
    3. Research different candidates. The resource here is helpful.
    4. Tomorrow you will vote!
4) Success Workshop: Note Revisions

  1. Take out your notes.
  2. Highlight key terms.
  3. Add HOT questions in the margins.
  4. Write summaries on each set and highlight the key terms in each.
  5. Swap notebooks with a classmate.
  6. Add stickers to each set of complete notes.
5) Exit Ticket: SMART Goals
  1. Set SMART goals for the week:
    1. One for in school
    2. One for outside of school

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