Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What should I consider when I design my future? Daily Plans: Thursday, 30 October

Happy Thursday AVID Team!
Homework: Bring/wear the following tomorrow:

  • A jacket (maybe rain jacket, but it's supposed to be nice!)
  • A notebook and pen/pencil
  • Shoes that are comfortable for walking
  • Red shirt/LEC Summer Bridge shirt
  • A snack if you'll need one
  • A water bottle
  • A gym type bag or something to put all the above in
Big Idea: Everything is related in some way
Essential Question: What should I consider when I design my future?
Objectives: I can...
...reflect on Parent Night. appreciation! your future dorm room considering different aspects of college.
...celebrate your leadership and collaborative group work awesomeness from Parent Night!
1) Warm Up: (until 1:27)
  1. Take a picture of the homework list so you remember what to bring tomorrow!
  2. Add pluses and deltas about Parent Night to the papers hanging in the room.
2) Literacy Block: Structure Diagrams (until 1:40)
Examples of elevation views
  1. Go to the link here.
  2. Write a point sentence: Why are structure plans important?
  3. Choose one type of plan. 
    1. Sketch a sample.
    2. Identify what it shows and when it would be useful.
  4. Identify: Which careers need to be able to draw and understand building structures?
  5. Identify: What skills can reading structure diagrams help you improve?
3) Lesson Plan: Your Future Dorm Room (until 2:05)
  1. Add on to the template by creating mini-word webs around each label present. Each word web must include at least two details specific to you! (ex: Alarm at 6:00am on weekdays, 4:30pm for naps)
  2. When you finish, add 3 other things to your dorm room that you will bring from home (ie, your favorite blanket, a picture of someone important). Explain why you chose each item.
  3. Share fair at tables
  4. Put this in your binder and TOC.

4) Appreciation and Celebration 
  1. Create a thank you card for someone who helped you with Parent Night. 
    1. People to think about include: Parents, classmates, Mrs. Simmons!, PTSA, Civic Center custodians and managers, Coach B, Mr. Testa, teachers, PARENTS, CLASSMATES!
  2. While you are making your thank you card, when you get the paper, list any questions you have about UNC-G. (until 2:20)
  3. Family Time outside! (until 2:45)
    1. Write your name on a paper. 
    2. Have someone tape it to your back. 
    3. Write positive things on other people's backs.
    4. Free time!

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