Monday, October 27, 2014

How will helping my parents build a relationship with LEC help me succeed? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 28 October

YAYYYY IT'S TUESDAY! WOOT! Parent Night Rehearsal!
Homework: Revise! Add HOT questions to your C-notes! Prep for Benchmarks! WOOT!
Big Idea: Everything is related in some way
Essential Question: How will helping my parents build a relationship with LEC help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...collaborate with classmates to plan an event.
...provide feedback to your peers.
...make revisions based on feedback.
Performance Task: Parent Night rehearsal!
1) Warm Up and Success Workshop: Note Revisions 
  1. Work on revising your notes.
    1. Ask a classmate if you are missing details.
    2. Highlight vocabulary words.
    3. Add HOT questions.
    4. Write summaries and highlight vocab words.
    5. Show me at least 3 sets of complete notes.
  2. If you finish early: Study with classmates by using the questions and highlighted vocab words in your notes.
2) Lesson Plan: Parent Night Committee Work Time (until 2:42)
  1. Go to the correct room for your Parent Night Committee.
    1. Mrs. Cunkelman: Video Showcase Committee
    2. Mrs. Testa: Hospitality Committee
    3. Mrs. Kitchens: Translators Committee, Order of Events Committee
    4. Ms. Nickel: Student Discussion Leaders Committee, Babysitting Committee
  2. Read through the handout from your teacher.
  3. Put final touches on your committee's work.
  4. Rehearsal in the Gym! Baby sitters and video crew, you'll be our audience. Be ready to give feedback on how to run the event more smoothly.
3) Closure: Do you have any questions about tomorrow?

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