Monday, October 13, 2014

How can reflecting on where I come from get me to where I want to be? (Day 4) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 14 October

Happy Tuesday AVID pros!

Homework: Finish your poem revisions!
Announcements: No Field Trip Forms? This is your Activity Day: 
  1. TPEEA paragraph about "What does responsibility mean to you"? 
  2. 5 action steps to becoming more responsible.  For each action step write what it is and why it will help.
Big Idea: Cultivating relationships
Essential Question: How can reflecting on where I come from get me to where I want to be?
Objectives: I can…
...display mathematical ideas in different formats.
...paraphrase poetry.
...maintain an organized binder.
Performance Task: Where I’m From Poem
1) Warm Up: Start SMART! (1:27)
**What should I see at 1:22? What should I not see? Show me you've got this!**
  1. Write a school related SMART goal for the week. Have a neighbor check it for SMARTness.
  2. Write a personal SMART goal for the week.
2) Literacy Block (1:45): The Whole Picture Take 3

  1. Take out "The Whole Picture" sheet.
  2. Complete Representation 3.
  3. Compare your response with a neighbor.
  4. Correct your work.

3) Lesson Plan (2:25): Where I'm From by George Ella Lyons
  1. Your task:
    1. Write your own "Where I'm From" poem by Friday.
      1. Monday: Prewrite and Draft
      2. Today: Peer Edit and Revise
      3. Thursday: Publish (rewrite) and Illustrate
      4. Friday: Present in mini-open mic groups during Family Day!
      5. Rubric is here!
  2. Continue the writing process.
    1. Work in trios to collaboratively peer annotate your poems.
      1. First person: 
        1. Write or label: What is the point of the poem? Does the poem have a title? By line (poet's name)? 
        2. Highlight the two lines that you think most help the poet get his/her point across.
        3. Write a plus and delta overall.
      2. Second person:
        1. Pretend you do not know the poet. Paraphrase in prose (not poetry) what the poet's family and childhood were like.
        2. Highlight the two lines that you think most help the poet get his/her point across.
        3. Write a plus and delta overall.
      3. Return the papers to the owner. Read, reflect, and discuss.
    2. The online copy of the poem is here.

4) Success Workshop: Binder Party (2:42)
  1. Take out your binder.
  2. Make sure every paper is in rings in the correct section.
  3. Add each paper to your TOC.
  4. Show a neighbor your binder. Make changes.
  5. Show me your binder.
5) Exit Ticket: Brag About It! (2:45)
  1. What is one awesome thing you did recently in school? Outside of school?
  2. What is one awesome thing a classmate did in school?

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