Monday, September 8, 2014

How can learning experiences be structured for success? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Monday, 8 September

Happy Monday!
Big Idea: Structures lead to student success
Essential Question: How can learning experiences be structured for success?
Objectives: I can...
...describe my favorite learning experience. my learning style.
...list strategies I want to try.
1) Warm Up: Learning Memory Moment
  1. Describe your favorite thing you ever learned. 
  2. What did you learn? 
  3. How did you learn it? 
  4. Why do you remember it?
  5. Set up a notesheet for today.
2) Literacy Block: What do you remember?

  1. Before you read: Read the sentence below. Identify the key terms. Define and illustrate these terms.
    • In order to remember, a person’s brain must first learn (encode) the information they will later remember (retrieval).
  2. As you read: Knowing a Child's Learning Style Improves Memory Skills
    1. List claims made by the author.
    2. List what helps different types of learners remember material.
  3. After you read: Write a point sentence that relates your learning and memory to this article. List two examples.

3) Lesson Plan: How do I learn best?

  1. Complete the survey here and record your results.
  2. Read and bookmark the help sheets that go with your learning modality. (Look for "Help Sheets") on the side bar.
  3. Note the most helpful points.
  4. Read "More About Learning Styles". Highlight habits that you like. Slash out habits and strategies that won't be helpful for you.
4) Success Workshop: Revise your notes
  1. Revise your notes adding in tools that will work for your learning style.
    1. If you are a visual learner, draw diagrams or color code your notes.
    2. If you are an auditory learner, move your lips while reading your notes and highlighting key terms and circling main ideas.
    3. If you are a kinesthetic learner, highlight and stand as you read.
    4. If you are a reading/writing learner, rewrite the important parts of your notes.
5) Exit Ticket: Were you surprised by your learning style results?

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