Big Idea: Our choices relate to our identity and goals
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...add on to my Career Research Project.
...set and meet short-term personal goals.
...create and play a game.
...choose how to use my time.
...add on to my Career Research Project.
...set and meet short-term personal goals.
...create and play a game.
...choose how to use my time.
- Write your To Do List:
- Finish the Thursday-Friday part of the Career Research Project. (1st period, please add this to that row and complete it too: Find one current event, problem, or project related to your career. Write a 2 sentence summary of the article you found. Put the link to the article in the “Sources Used:” table.)
- Check your SMART goal and planner. What else do you need to do? List this.
- Finish homework?
- Do revisions?
- Meet your SMART goal?
- Finish your Identity Tree or Personal Projects Analysis?
- Complete the tasks on your To Do List. When you finish, post your list on the board and de-stress (read, color, listen to music, etc.).
2) Family Time Part 1: 100 Blank White Cards
- Goal of the Game: Get the most cards on each round.
- Game Setup:
- On your slips of paper, write 2 random words of your choice.
- Put the words in the bucket.
- Game Play:
- Round 1: Taboo
- Draw a card and get your classmates to guess the word by saying related words.
- Whoever guesses the word first gets the card.
- After all cards are played, tally and record how many cards you have.
- Put all cards back in the bucket.
- Round 2: Charades:
- Draw a card and get your classmates to guess the word by acting it out (no words, sound effects are okay).
- Whoever guesses the word first gets the card.
- After all cards are played, tally and record how many cards you have.
- Put all cards back in the bucket.
- Round 3: One Word Association:
- Draw a card and say ONLY ONE word to get your classmates to guess the word.
- Whoever guesses the word first gets the card.
- After all cards are played, tally and record how many cards you have.
- Put all cards back in the bucket.
- The winner will be awarded candy!
- Finish any work you have.
- Start a book club.
- Choose a current event and discuss it.
- Create something awesome using recycled scraps and art materials.
- Draw a thank you note for someone.
- Play board games.
- Etc...
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