Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Where am I going? How will I get there? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Thursday, 2 February

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
-Make sure your Career Research notes are up-to-date. Avoid working ahead.
Big Idea: Our choices relate to our identity and goals
Essential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Image result for learning connectionsObjectives: I can...
...reflect on and connect what I have learned this week.
...assess my Spanish language skills.
...identify a career cluster I am interested in.
...track my progress toward meeting my SMART goal.  
1) Warm Up: Learning Log (10 min)
  1. Take out your Learning Log (TOC # 5).
  2. Choose which type of learning log response you would like to do this week.
  3. Complete your learning log.
  4. On a sticky note, list as many topics or key terms as you can that you learned in the past week.
  5. As we go around the room, share ONE key term or topic you learned this week. As you hear what others learned, check those items off from your list.
  6. The first person with 7 items checked off wins a food item. 
Image result for spanish placement duolingo2) Success Workshop Part 1: Duolingo Spanish Placement Assessment (25 min)
  1. Purpose: The purpose of this placement assessment is to determine if you are more likely to be more successful in seated Spanish (without the help of a high school teacher) or in Spanish with support.
  2. Please go to the link here and follow the directions as prompted so you can take the "Proficiency Test".
  3. You will have an opt out/give up option that you may take after sticking with the test for 5 minutes.
  4. Image result for career clusters
    Want to see this larger? Click here.

  5. If you end the test early OR finish early, work on homework, read quietly, or color. 
3) Lesson Plan: Career Research Project
  1. Purpose: You will research a career cluster and specific career of your choice in depth. This is not a final decision - if you are undecided, pick something that sounds interesting and stick with it for the length of this project - then at least you have one career off your list if you decide it sounds awful :). 
  2. Final Due Date: Thursday, 16 February
  3. Presentation Information: Presentations will be shared in your Advisory.
  4. Directions for Today:
    1. Copy the document here.
    2. Read the document and ask questions.
    3. Work on today's tasks. Remember, you record your information IN the document. This way, you'll have all your notes, links, pictures, etc in one place when you create your presentation.
Image result for progress check
4) Success Workshop/Closure: Time for YOU and SMART Goal Check 
  1. Done with today's research task?
    1. Work on homework or revisions.
    2. Study, color, or read quietly.
  2. At the end of class:
    1. Check your progress toward meeting your SMART goal
    2. Add any new homework to your planner

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