Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How can questions help me clarify confusions? Tutorial Day! Daily Plans: Wednesday, 1 February

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
-Late: Identity Tree and Personal Projects Analysis 
Big Idea: Systems have interrelated parts
Essential Question: How can questions help me clarify confusions?
Objectives: I can...
...use it's and its correctly.
...provide and use feedback.
...contribute to and benefit from Tutorials.
...reflect on the Tutorial process. 
1) Warm Up: Its vs It's (10 min)
Image result for its vs it's
  1. Take 5 minutes to work through as much of the exercise here as you can.
  2. Write your own sample sentence. Write the answer (it's/its) and why that's the answer on the back of your card.
  3. Check that your answer is correct with a neighbor.
  4. Play quiz-quiz-trade.
2) Literacy Block: Seminar Wrap Up + Superlatives (15 min)

  1. Complete the "Evaluation, Reflection, and Debrief".
  2. Superlatives! Complete the superlative survey for the yearbook here!

3) Lesson Plan: Tutorials (45 min)
  1. Before Tutorials:
    1. On your sticky note, write a DWC about your tutorial.
    2. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up and work with a classmate to respond to each others' DWCs, write a plus and delta, and then discuss the feedback.
    3. Revise your TRF.
    4. Finally, talk with your partner to list three questions you think your group mates could ask that will help you.
  2. During Tutorials:
    1. Image result for questions that help when you're stuck
    2. Gather your notes, etc related to your TRF.
    3. Move into Tutorial groups (3-4 people).
    4. Share your final concept rating (from your POC box) and determine your presentation orders.
    5. The presenter will give a 30 second speech ending with their POC.
    6. Group members will note questions asked and the presenter's work. One group member will take notes for the presenter.
    7. When the presenter thinks they understand the POC, they'll summarize their steps. Group members will ask any follow up questions.
    8. Repeat as time permits.
4) Success Workshop/Closure: Tutorial Reflection and Time for YOU (until the end of class):
  1. Finished early?
    1. Image result for awesome questions
    2. Work on homework and ask each other questions as they come up.
    3. Read quietly.
    4. Explore the career resources on the TRF Resources tab.
  2. Reflection: On the back of the TRF, respond to the following questions in sentences:
    1. What was the most helpful question you asked or were asked? What made the question helpful?
    2. Summarize your improved understanding of your initial question or another concept presented OR list questions you need to ask your teacher.

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