Monday, January 30, 2017

Who am I? Where am I going? How will I get there? (Day 7) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 31 January

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!
-Due Tomorrow: TRF (See TRF Resources tab if needed!)
-Late: Identity Tree and Personal Projects Analysis 
Big Idea: Systems have interrelated parts
Essential Question: Who am I? Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...identify variables that impact success.
...plan questions for a seminar.
...contribute to a seminar.
...plan for ACA.
...set and meet a short term goal. 
Image result for success graph**************************
1) Warm Up: Success, Effort, and...! Oh my! (7 min)
  1. Look at the diagram to the right. What does the artist seem to be suggesting about the relationship between the effort someone expends and the success they experience?
  2. Make a claim (write it in a point sentence) and support it with a list of examples: Is effort the most important variable that determines success?

2) Literacy Block/Socratic Seminar: The Science of Setting Goals (45 min)
  1. Before the seminar:
    1. Image result for brian little quotes
    2. Take out TOC #7&8.
    3. Read and annotate "The Science of Setting Goals" by:
      1. Asking questions to the author or yourself
      2. Noting where you agree with the article - include at least one real world example showing WHY you agree
      3. Arguing with the author where you think he may be wrong
      4. Adding on additional facts you know, doodles that help you understand the concepts, etc
      5. Defining at least one new term
    4. Write 3 questions to contribute to the seminar.
    5. Open your Identity Tree and Personal Projects document.
    6. Review roles and protocols. 
  2. During the seminar: 
    1. Refer to your notes, "The Science of Goal Setting" article, the tree you made, etc. 
    2. Ask and answer questions.
    3. Stuck? Come back to the questions: "How is identity shape goals we set and vice versa?", "What does this mean about how we should set goals?"
    4. Pause and give your partner feedback/use your partner's feedback.
  3. After the seminar, complete the debrief and reflection section of your packet.
3) Success Workshop/Closure: Q&A with Mr. Testa AND Time for YOU! (Until the end of class)
  1. When Mr. Testa comes, ask any questions you have about ACA.
  2. Work on writing your TRF.
  3. Complete any homework you have. 

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