Sunday, January 29, 2017

Who am I? Where am I going? How will I get there? (Day 6) Daily Plans: Monday, 30 January

Happy Monday AVID Students!
Prompt 1: Describe your day as an idealist,
realist, and surrealist.
-Late: Identity Tree and Personal Projects Analysis 
-Due Wednesday: TRF (See TRF Resources tab if needed!)
Big Idea: Systems have interrelated parts
Essential Question: Who am I? Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...justify claims in writing.
Prompt 2: Are you more introverted or extroverted?
Does it matter?
...finish my identity tree and personal project plans.
...share my work. and annotate an article to prepare for a seminar.
...set a SMART goal for the week.
1) Warm Up: Writing + Time for YOU (30 min)
  1. Writing Warm Up (5 min): 
    1. Respond to one of the prompts. You may write this as a journal entry, poem, or series of list OR you may choose to draw your response (include captions). 
    2. *Star* your favorite line or drawing and share it with a neighbor.
  2. Time for You! Choose from the following:
    1. Finish your Identity Tree and Personal Projects Analysis tasks:
      1. Did you finish the VIA Character Strengths survey? Did you answer the reflection questions?
      2. Did you create a tree and make sure you met each requirement listed in the document?
      3. Did you finish filling in your PPA spreadsheet? Did you share it with me? Did you answer the 4 reflection questions? Did you share your document with me?
    2. Work on homework, revisions, or studying.
    3. Keep responding to one of the prompts.
Image result for brian little quotes2) Lesson Plan: Identity Tree Share Fair (25 min)
  1. Number off into two groups. 
  2. Put your identity tree on your desk.
  3. As you circulate the room complete the following:
    1. List 5 goals, hopes, or dreams that are interesting or inspiring to you.
    2. List 4 facts you learned about your classmates and those classmates' names.
    3. List 3 people who have at least 4 of the same values as you.
    4. List 2 two things that make your classmates' trees awesome.
    5. List 1 thing you might change about your tree based on what you saw on other people's trees.
  4. Share compliments with your classmates and ask questions.
  5. Switch presenting and circulating groups. 
3) Literacy Block/Socratic Seminar Preparation: The Science of Setting Goals (30 min)
  1. Before you read, complete a quickwrite or quickdraw that shows what happens when you set a goal. 
  2. While you read, read and annotate "The Science of Setting Goals" by:
    1. Image result for dopamine and serotonin in our brains
    2. Asking questions to the author or yourself
    3. Noting where you agree with the article - include at least one real world example showing WHY you agree
    4. Arguing with the author where you think he may be wrong
    5. Adding on additional facts you know, doodles that help you understand the concepts, etc
    6. Defining at least one new term
  3. After you read: Write questions to prepare for tomorrow's Socratic seminar.

4) Success Workshop/Closure: Start SMART (Until the end of class)
Image result for smart goal
  1. Update your planner to include upcoming tests, quizzes, revisions, family gatherings, club meetings, friend events, etc.
  2. Write a personal or academic SMART goal for the week. 

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