Sunday, February 5, 2017

Where am I going? How will I get there? (Day 3) Daily Plans: Monday, 6 February

Happy Monday AVID Students!
-TRF due Wednesday
-Make sure your Career Research notes are up-to-date. Avoid working ahead.
Big Idea: Our choices relate to our identity and goals
Image result for writing prompts tumblrEssential Question: Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...tell a story.
...categorize careers as good fits or NOT good fits.
...find a college that I could attend as I work toward my career.
...prepare for a successful week. 
1) Warm Up: Story YOU! (10 min)
  1. Start a new page in your notes. EQ: Where am I going? How will I get there? Topic: Story time + Careers
  2. Read the two prompt options and choose one to respond to in story or journal form. You must write for 7 minutes. Alternatively, create your own Super Bowl commercial pitch. Include a story board with dialogue and information about the product or service you'd be promoting.
  3. *Star* your favorite line of your writing.
  4. Share your work via Stand-Share-Sit at your table.
Image result for writing prompts tumblr

2) Literacy Block: Job Search (25 min)
  1. Before you explore, read the tasks below and set up your notes. Suggestions: Table, graphic organizer, outline, etc.
  2. While you explore
    1. Log in to
    2. Go to "Plan" > "For Careers" > "Explore Careers".
    3. Choose one career that is from your first choice career cluster and two careers from other career clusters. 
    4. For each career, list:
      1. Image result for job search
      2. Annual income
      3. Job outlook (increasing, decreasing, or stable)
      4. 3 skills you would need
      5. A reason why you would or would not consider this career
  3. After you explore
    1. Complete a two minute quickwrite describing the worst possible career for you. Then, note ONE thing about this career you do like.
    2. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up and tell your partner your first choice career and what you like about it and your last choice career.
    3. Repeat so you talk to three people.
    4. Note any new careers you thought sounded interesting or awful.
3) Lesson Plan: Career Research Project - College Connections (30 min)
    Image result for north carolina colleges
  1. Open your copy of the Career Research Project document here
  2. Review today's task and ask questions.
    1. First block, please add the following to today's row: Find one college that meets these requirements. Would you go here? Tell why or why not in two sentences. Include the link to the college in “Sources Used” below.
  3. Work on today's tasks. Remember, you record your information IN the document. This way, you'll have all your notes, links, pictures, etc in one place when you create your presentation. Include any links you use!
4) Success Workshop/Closure: Planner Update and Time for YOU (until the end of class)
    Image result for SMART goals
  1. Update your planner to include: 
    1. Homework, due dates, quiz and test dates, etc.
    2. A reminder that ACA starts tomorrow - If you have an assignment, it is due MONDAY at 11:59pm!
    3. A personal or academic SMART goal for the week
  2. Until the end of class:
    1. Organize your binder.
    2. Revisit your notes by highlighting key terms, writing HOT questions and summaries, or quizzing a neighbor using your notes.
    3. Work on homework.

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