Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Who am I? Where am I going? How will I get there? (Day 4) Daily Plans: Thursday, 26 January

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
Image result for personality
How would you classify yourself?
-Identity Tree and Personal Projects Analysis tasks due MONDAY
-Want a public speaking opportunity on Thursday, Feb 16th? Copy and fill out the document here (log in to your Lee County email to have access). Share it with Ms. Foster ( by Friday, 27 January.
Big Idea: Systems have interrelated parts
Essential Question: Who am I? Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...identify connections between what I've learned recently.
...describe my personality traits AND the projects/activities that make me unique.
...analyze my personal projects or goals.
...set and meet a short term personal goal.
1) Warm Up: Learning Log (10 min)
  1. Take out your Learning Log (TOC # 5).
  2. Choose which type of learning log response you would like to do this week.
  3. Complete your learning log.
  4. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up to find a student who has at least one different class than you do. Determine at least one way in which your classes are related.
Image result for brian little quotes2) Literacy Block: Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality (25 min)
  1. Before you watch:
    1. Define personality (noun):
      1. the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character
      2.  an offensively personal remark 
      3.  the complex of characteristics that distinguishes an individual or a nation or group; especially :  the totality of an individual's behavioral and emotional characteristics; a set of distinctive traits and characteristics 
      4.  a person of importance, prominence, renown, or notoriety 
      5. aka: the combinations of characteristics that (maybe) defines individuals
    2. List 5 things that you do on a normal basis that are important to you.
    3. List 3 things that you want to do in the future.
    4. Find 1 similarity between your list and your partner's list.
  2. While you watch (times 0:00-5:41; 11:04-15:04), respond to the questions/prompts on your note sheet.
  3. After you watch: 
    1. Complete the summary/reflection at the bottom of your note sheet.
    2. Add "Brian Little TED Talk Notes" to your TOC as #7.
Image result for personal projects
What makes your personal projects important?
3) Lesson Plan: Personal Projects Analysis (30 min)
  1. Open your "Identity Tree and Personal Projects" document.
  2. Read the directions for Task 3. Ask questions.
  3. Open, copy, and rename your Personal Projects Analysis spreadsheet.
  4. Complete the spreadsheet step by step. Refer to directions in the spreadsheet BEFORE you ask me questions.

4) Success Workshop/Closure: SMART Goal Check and Time for YOU (Until the end of class)
    Image result for time for you
  1. Check the SMART goal that you set on Monday. What do you need to do before tomorrow to meet your goal?
  2. Choose how to spend your time between now and the end of the period. 
    1. Keep working on Task 3: Personal Projects Analysis or Task 2: Identity Tree. 
    2. Work on homework.
    3. Read quietly.
    4. Complete revisions.
    5. Study.

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