Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Who am I? Where am I going? How will I get there? (Day 3) Daily Plans: Wednesday, 25 January

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
Image result for identity tree-Want a public speaking opportunity on Thursday, Feb 16th? Copy and fill out the document here (log in to your Lee County email to have access). Share it with Ms. Foster ( by Friday, 27 January.
Big Idea: Systems have interrelated parts
Essential Question: Who am I? Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...set and meet a short-term goal.
...write a TRF.
...contribute to a Tutorial by asking questions.
...reflect on the Tutorial process.
1) Warm Up: Fifteen for YOU! (15 min)
    Image result for set a goal and meet it
  1. Check your planner to see your progress toward your SMART goal and to make sure you finished all homework. Choose something to work on for 15 minutes:
    1. Continue working on your identity tree.
    2. Finish any homework or revisions.
    3. Study for a class.
    4. Read quietly.
  2. Tell your neighbor what you accomplished during our 15 minutes. 
2) Literacy Block: TRF Writers' Workshop (25 min)
Image result for trf avid
  1. Choose which type of Tutorial you will do: Traditional, Test Prep, Revision Planning, or Career Exploration. 
  2. Use the document here to find questions if needed. Consider doing a TRF on a non-math subject so I can show you how to easily write those!
  3. Write your TRF. 
  4. Add a DWC on your sticky note. An effective DWC is a specific question. Ex: Is my POC clear enough that my classmates will understand what I need help with?
  5. Swap TRFs with a neighbor. Give your neighbor a plus and delta on their TRF writing. Respond to your neighbor's DWC.
  6. Swap TRFs back and discuss the feedback you gave each other.
3) Lesson Plan: Tutorials (25 min)
  1. Gather your notes, etc related to your TRF.
  2. Move into Tutorial groups (3-4 people).
  3. Share your final concept rating (from your POC box) and determine your presentation orders.
  4. The presenter will give a 30 second speech ending with their POC.
  5. Group members will note questions asked and the presenter's work. One group member will take notes for the presenter.
  6. When the presenter thinks they understand the POC, they'll summarize their steps. Group members will ask any follow up questions.
  7. Repeat as time permits.
Image result for questions that help when you're stuck
4) Success Workshop/Closure: Tutorial Reflection (Until the end of class)
  1. Respond to the questions on the back of your TRF:
    1. What type of Tutorial did you do today? What did you like about it? Dislike about it?
    2. What was your biggest "aha!" moment today? If you didn't have one, who is someone you helped today and how did you help that classmate?
    3. Did you feel like you knew what questions to ask when? Give an example of a great question you asked or a time when you could not think of a question to ask.
  2. Discussion: Critique Group Tutorials
  3. Image result for critique groups
    1. Purpose: Share your artwork, writing, ideas, etc with your classmates. Get feedback to help you move on.
    2. What you'll bring to the critique group: A modified TRF - I will have copies by next week; any relevant resources and works-in-progress
    3. What you'll get from the critique group: Constructive feedback to help you plan what to do next
    4. When to do this type of Tutorial: When you don't have low grades or work to revise, when you want to improve on artistic, etc skill, when you want to discuss a new or confusing idea
  4. Debrief: What went well with Tutorials today? What do we need to improve upon? Do you still need questions on any topics? What are your thoughts on the Critique Group Tutorials?

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