Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Who am I? Where am I going? How will I get there? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Tuesday, 24 January

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!
Image result for identity tree-Want a public speaking opportunity on Thursday, Feb 16th? Copy and fill out the document here (log in to your Lee County email to have access). Share it with Ms. Foster (mnickel.lec@lee.k12.nc.us) by Friday, 27 January.
Big Idea: Systems have interrelated parts
Essential Question: Who am I? Where am I going? How will I get there?
Objectives: I can...
...identify job growth trends.
...relate job growth trends to my career choices.
...create an identity tree.
...ask questions about ACA 111.
1) Warm Up: Is your future occupation experiencing growth? (8 min)
  1. Set up a note sheet for today. EQ: Who am I? Where am I going? How will I get there? Topic: Career Growth + Identity Tree
  2. Go to the link here.
  3. Write your own caption (1-2 sentences) that describes what this table is showing. Write one thing you cannot tell from what the table shows.
  4. Identify:
    1. Is your current first or second choice career on the list? Does that surprise you?
    2. Is there a career that is similar to your first or second career choice on the list? 
  5. Reflect: Will you consider changing your career choices based on this list? Why or why not? (It may help you to look at the annual income in the last column.)
2) Literacy Block: In the Year 2016 - The 30 Fastest Growing Jobs (15 min)
  1. Before you read:
  2. Image result for what careers are growing
    A graph of job change
    1. Write down a yearly salary that sounds decent to you. (For reference, I make about $36,250 before taxes, benefits, all that stuff.)
    2. List 2-3 careers that interest you.
    3. Name the career that you think grew the most in 2016.
  3. While you browse the list linked above:
    1. Identify: 
      1. Is your current first or second choice career on the list? Does that surprise you?
      2. Is there a career that is similar to your first or second career choice on the list? 
    2. Note 2-3 careers (not on your original list) that you would consider and why you would be willing to consider them.
  4. After you read, write a point, example, and analysis sentence: Does this information make you want to reconsider your career choices? Why or why not?
    1. Example: Despite the fact that my first choice career, teaching, is not expected to grow, I will not reconsider because I am passionate about teaching. Neither the Bureau of Labor Statistics nor Boston.com's lists show that teaching is growing, but my district has not faced cuts. Knowing this information does not change my career interest, but it does mean that I should pay attention to policies that cut teacher numbers.
Image result for identity tree3) Lesson Plan: Identity Tree and Personal Project Analysis (30 min)
  1. Open your copy of the document here.
  2. Read the requirements for the identity tree.
  3. Brainstorm, in your notes, what you'll include. Remember to pull from your VIA Character Strengths results (see your google folder).
  4. Create your tree! You will have a bit of time on Wednesday and Friday to finish. If you want to make it super artsy, your deadline is Tuesday at the latest :).
  5. Complete today's tasks.

4) Success Workshop/Closure: ACA Preparation (Until the end of class)
  1. Go on a walking tour to see where Lett Hall is.
  2. Fill out the form below. Your responses will be shared with Mr. Testa. He will come in and answer ACA questions next Tuesday.

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