Thursday, January 5, 2017

How can I succeed in AVID this semester? (Day 2) Daily Plans: Friday, 6 January 2017

Happy Friday AVID Students!
-Make sure your binder is well set up!
Big Idea: Structures provide organization
Image result for get to know youEssential Question: How can I succeed in AVID this semester?
Objectives: I can...
...get to know my classmates.
...reflect on last semester.
...set goals.
...recognize what I am an expert at.
1) Warm Up: Class Roster (10 min)

  1. Fill in every classmate's name.
  2. Circulate the room to add an interesting fact, strength, and struggle from each of your classmates.
  3. Add "Class Roster" to your TOC as #2.
Image result for extrapolate definition
aka: extending a graph or idea based on observed trends
2) Literacy Block: Graphing Success (20 min)
  1. Before you make your graph:
    1. Set up a note page. EQ: How can I succeed in AVID this semester? Topic: Graphing Success
    2. As a class, list key features of a graph.
    3. At the top of your note page, make a T-chart. Title it "Moments of Success" and "Moments of Mehhhh".
    4. List 3-5 memories from last semester on each side of the chart.
    5. Note a goal for the semester and a college or career goal you have.
    6. Define extrapolate.
  2. Create your graph:
    1. Image result for extrapolate definition
    2. Draw an x and y axis (Quadrants 1&4).
    3. Label the x-axis with the months August-December. Then, draw a squiggly line and add May AND another squiggly line and label it "Future".
    4. Label the y-axis with emojis showing you at different levels of success.
    5. Plot the events listed in your chart AND your two goals.
  3. After you create your graph:
  4. Image result for graph of my life
    Sample life graph!
    1. Write captions under the following that answer the questions provided:
      1. The lowest and highest points from last semester: What made them high and low? How could you avoid or repeat those this semester?
      2. The line connecting December to May: What are two things you will do this semester to be successful?
      3. The line connecting May to the Future: What are three things you will do to reach your future success?
    2. Under your graph, write a point and example sentence about how AVID will help you succeed.
    3. Give your graph a title.
3) Lesson Plan: Using Our Expertise (30 min)
  1. Before the TED Talk:
    1. With your table, define what an expert is and share this with the class.
    2. Line Game (Move to the right if you agree, left if you disagree):
      1. I trust my parents to make decisions about my health.
      2. I trust doctors to make decisions about my health.
      3. I let my parents and teacher choose my classes.
      4. I do what I can to choose my classes.
      5. I share what I know about certain topics with my classmates.
      6. I look things up when I hear or read about them.
  2. During the TED Talk, fill in the double entry journal. (Watch 0:11-5:57, 12:13-18:01)
  3. After the TED Talk: 
    1. Use Philosophical Chairs to discuss the question: Do we need experts or not?
      1. Image result for experts
      2. Choose if your answer to the question is "Yes" or "No" and stand on the correct side of the room. Undecided? Make the third side of the rectangle.
      3. One person from each side will share why they are on that side. Before the next person talks, paraphrase what the previous person said.
      4. If someone convinces you to move, move silently to show your new opinion.
    2. Create a class expert graph.
      1. Add a few more topics to the top row.
      2. Choose a scale for the first column.
      3. Add your initials in the corresponding boxes.
    3. Complete the reflection at the bottom of your double entry journal.
    4. Add "Expertise Double Entry Journal" to your binder as TOC #3.
4) Family Time (Until the end of class)
  1. Go outside.
  2. Read quietly.
  3. Talk quietly.
  4. Play board games.
Image result for time to relax

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