-Make sure your binder is well set up!
Essential Question: How can I succeed in school this semester?
Objectives: I can...
...recognize what I am an expert at.
...identify skills I need to work on this semester.
...assess a variety of note taking methods.
...plan how you will use your planner as a tool this semester.
...identify skills I need to work on this semester.
...assess a variety of note taking methods.
...plan how you will use your planner as a tool this semester.
1) Warm Up: Class Experts (10 min)
2) Literacy Block: Essential Skills for College Students (15 min)
- Before you read: What skills do you think college students need to have?
- While you partner read:
- List the essential skills identified by Clarke University.
- Jot down one thing you would be GREAT at if you were good at this skill.
- After you partner read:
3) Lesson Plan: What are some effective ways to take notes? (30 min)
- Note Taking Carousel Directions:
- While you watch the video, take as many notes as you can in any format you like. Consider:
- Graphic organizers
- Bulleted lists
- Venn diagrams
- Paragraph summaries
- Outlines
- We will pause and pass our note sheets.
- Take notes on your neighbor's paper, again in the format you like.
- Repeat.
- Strengths and Weaknesses of Note-taking Formats
- List the different formats of notes that you saw.
- With your table, you will get an assigned note taking format. On your paper, create a list of strengths and weaknesses for your note taking format.
- Post these on the back board.
- Add comments, checks, and stars to share your thoughts.
- Note Taking Next Steps
- On the bottom of your notes, list steps you can use to improve and revisit your notes.
- Name one other format you might consider taking.
- Add a topic and date to the top of your note sheet.
![Image result for note taking formats](https://handmadesandhardware.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/visual-notetaking-format.png)
- Discuss: What should you list in your planner?
- Add upcoming due dates, family events, tests, quizzes, time with friends, de-stress time, exercise time, hobby time to your planner.
- Write a personal or academic SMART goal for the week at the top of this week on your planner.
![Image result for SMART goals](http://justagirlandherblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/SMART.jpg)
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