Wednesday, January 4, 2017

How can I succeed in AVID this semester? (Day 1) Daily Plans: Thursday, 5 January 2017

Happy Thursday AVID Students!
-Make sure your binder is well set up!
Big Idea: Structures provide organization
Image result for time capsuleEssential Question: How can I succeed in AVID this semester?
Objectives: I can... what we did last semester in AVID.
...preview and contribute to AVID plans for this semester.
...make sure I can log in to my CCCC web tools.
...ask lingering questions.
1) Warm Up: AVID Time Capsule (10 min)

  1. Set up a note page. EQ: How can I succeed in AVID this semester? Topic: Review and Basics
  2. Plan a 30-second speech by jotting down notes on ONE of the following:
    1. A topic you pull from the container
    2. A favorite memory from AVID last semester
  3. An effective 30-second speech is...
    1. informative - it tells your classmates what you learned last semester.
    2. positive - don't just rant for 30 seconds about how much you hate Tutorials. Fake it til you make it if you have to!
    3. memorable - some amount of humor and sarcasm are fine :). 
    4. relevant - don't just list inside jokes you and your classmates had last semester! Tell us something that may help with this semester :).
  4. Share your 30-second speech. 
  5. If it helps you, list people's names as they present.
2) Literacy Block: AVID 2 Syllabus (15 min)
  1. Before you read:
  2. Image result for keep calm and read the syllabus
    1. Think-Pair-Share: What information can be found in a syllabus? What text features can make it easy to find information in a syllabus?
    2. Discuss and Note: What does effective partner reading look and sound like? What does ineffective partner reading look and sound like?
  3. While you partner read:
    1. *Star* parts of the syllabus you need to remember.
    2. Highlight sections your parents/guardians need to read.
    3. Put question marks (?) by areas that confuse you.
  4. After you read:
    1. As a class, we will highlight a few key parts.
    2. Discuss: What is new in AVID this semester?
    3. Time for Questions
    4. Add your syllabus to your binder as TOC #1.
3) Lesson Plan: Getting to Know Each Other and Planning AVID
Image result for name game
  1. Toy Toss Name Game (10 min):
    1. Discuss and Note: What do effective class activities/games look and sound like? What do ineffective class activities look and sound like?
    2. When you get the toy, say, "Thank you _____ (whoever tossed the ball to you). My name is ____ and I'm tossing the ball to ____."
    3. If you drop the toy, you have to see if you can name everyone in the class.
    4. I will add more toys to the game as we go!
  2. AVID Ideas (25 min):
    1. Fill in the Google form below.
    2. Discuss and Note: What do effective class discussions look and sound like? What do ineffective class discussions look and sound like?
    3. Consensus Conversations: 
      1. Break into groups based on a topic you would like to make suggestions about.
      2. Share ideas with your group members. Remember, while I will try to incorporate ideas, we have less time in the AVID elective this semester so it may not be possible to fit in all ideas. And we definitely can't fit in expensive ideas or ideas that are "Food" or ideas that are negative and generally annoying.
      3. Choose a spokesperson.
      4. Share a 30-second to 1-minute speech pitching your ideas to your classmates and I.
      5. Possible topics:
        1. Should we keep book club or not?
        2. Independent/group projects
        3. How often do you need study groups?
        4. What do you all expect from each other and from me for AVID to run smoothly?
        5. Innovative ideas for Tutorials
        6. Suggestions for exploring colleges and careers
        7. Ideas for Family Time on Fridays
4) Success Workshop: (10 min)
  1. Make sure you can log in to Blackboard and Cougarmail.
    1. Image result for login
    2. Go to the link here.
    3. Click "Login" in the upper right.
    4. Select Cougarmail.
    5. Your username is first initial + 4 letters of your last name + last 3 digits of your CCCC ID # (library card) (ex:
    6. Your password was originally your birthday, MMDDYYYY (ex: 03161990). You probably changed it. You may have set it as Cobras16! OR it might be cccc1234, cccc1234!, etc. 
    7. Now select Blackboard.
    8. Your log in is the same as it is for Cougarmail BUT without the part.
  2. Add your information to the document here if you are having trouble logging in.
5) Exit Ticket/Closure: AVID Q&A Time

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