Tuesday, December 13, 2016

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 13 December

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!
Image result for silly awards-Complete your tasks listed on your calendar!
-Enjoy your break!!!
Resource of the Day:
-Purple Math: Use this resource for mini lessons and practice problems
Big Idea: Structures provide organization
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...write an award for a classmate.
...study quietly.
Image result for silly awards
1) Warm Up: AVID Awards (10 min)

  1. Come up with an award for the person named on your index card.
    1. Examples: Class Clown, Best Music Choices, Best Tutorial Request Form Writer, Most Creative Group Member, etc.
  2. Share awards.
2) Quiet Study Time (Until the end of class)
  1. List what you need to accomplish in the next 30 min.
  2. Image result for quiet study time
    1. I will host some of the following workshops if needed:
      1. Condensing notes
      2. TPEQEA crash course
      3. Problem solving step-by-step
      4. Finding online resources
      5. Dealing with test anxiety
    2. I will also make sure there is time for me to meet with you if you are concerned about your grade.
    3. *I'll tell you when each workshop starts so you can come over and join it!*
  3. Note two two-minute brain breaks. Ideas: Color, make something with tin foil, aluminum, or play doh.
  4. Work for 12 minutes, take a brain break, repeat.
3) De-Stress Time:
Image result for de stress timeTake a vote on the following:
  1. Play outside.
  2. Play games and color inside.
  3. Story time inside.

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