Thursday, December 8, 2016

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? Daily Plans: Friday, 9 December

Happy Friday AVID Students!
-Complete your tasks listed on your calendar!
-Consider donating: tissues, hand sanitizer, sticky note tabs, and index cards
Resource of the Day:
Image result for time for you-Purple Math: Use this resource for mini lessons and practice problems
Big Idea: Structures provide organization
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...set and meet a personal goal.
...collaborate to study with peers. quietly in a way that helps me.
1) Warm Up: Ten for YOU! (10 min)
Choose from one of the following options:

  1. Finish your study tool.
  2. Color.
  3. Create a cheat sheet for any class.
  4. Add on to your deck of flash cards.
  5. Read.
  6. Listen to music.
  7. Write a thank you note to someone who has helped you study.
Image result for study groups2) Lesson Plan Part 1: Study Groups (30 min)
  1. Break into study groups.
  2. Share what you created.
  3. As a group, list the first three topics you need to review.
  4. Use your tools to review these topics. 
  5. Continue reviewing.
  6. Complete the reflection.
3) Lesson Plank Part 2: Brain Break: Make a Snowflake!
Image result for how to make a snowflake

*Any questions about your AVID final?*

4) Final Task: Quiet Study Time (Until the end of class)
  1. List what you need to accomplish between now and the end of class.
  2. Image result for quiet study time
    1. I will host some of the following workshops:
      1. Condensing notes
      2. TPEQEA crash course
      3. Problem solving step-by-step
      4. Finding online resources
      5. Dealing with test anxiety
    2. I will also make sure there is time for me to meet with you if you are concerned about your grade.
    3. *I'll tell you when each workshop starts so you can come over and join it!*
  3. Note three five-minute brain breaks. Ideas: Color, make something with tin foil, aluminum, or play doh.
  4. Work for 12 minutes, take a brain break, repeat.

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