Monday, November 28, 2016

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? Daily Plans: Tuesday, 29 November

Happy Tuesday AVID Students!
-Complete your tasks listed on your calendar!
-TRF due tomorrow!
-Book Club Artifact Due FRIDAY
Image result for study calendar
What will your study schedule look like?
-Consider donating: tissues, hand sanitizer, sticky note tabs, and index cards
Resources for you:
-Check out College Info Geek for studying, stress management, writing, and reading tips, etc!
Big Idea: Structures provide organization
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...create a study calendar.
...list different ways to study.
...identify what I need help with.
1) Warm Up: Create your Study Calendar
  1. Read the directions at the top of your calendar.
  2. Highlight the days you have exams.
  3. Take out TOC #28.
  4. Write specific tasks you will complete EACH night during 10 day review and during exams. Be sure to list each of the concepts you said you needed to review on your TOC Round Up sheet.
2) Lesson Plan Part 1: How I Will Study (35 min)
  1. Before the Video: 
    1. Add to the board: What do you do to study?
    2. Quickwrite/sketch: What happens in your head as you study? Where do you study? 
  2. During the Video: Jot down the 10 tips for studying.
  3. After the Video:
    1. Share with your table which tip sounded the most and least helpful to you.
    2. Put your phone in the drawer to practice our testing environment.
    3. Choose a class to focus on for the next 15 minutes.
    4. Visualize your classroom by creating a list or sketch. (2 min)
    5. Do a mind dump of everything you remember from that class. (2 min)
    6. Make a cheat sheet for your class. (10 min)
    7. Stand up. Find someone in the same class as you. Have your partner add at least 2 things to your cheat sheet. (3 min)
    8. Return to your table and agree on a video to watch from College Info Geek's channel. Choices should be about reading comprehension, studying, stress management, procrastination, or note taking.
    9. Quietly watch your video and share a 20 second summary with the class.
    10. Quickwrite: How will you improve your study habits during 10 day review?
Image result for best ways to study
Which is better for you?
Studying on your own or with others?
3) Lesson Plan Part 2: Focused Review (20 min)
  1. Key Term Flashcards Cont'd (7 min): 
    1. Continue creating flash cards (use halves of index cards or quizlet) using key terms from your notes. Start with key terms from the class you have the lowest grade in!
    2. You need 15 key term cards.
  2. Tab and Ask
    1. Flip through your binders and tab assignments you need to review or revise.
    2. Write one question for each of these assignments on the back of your calendar in the right class period.
    3. Choose one of these to write your final TRF on.
    4. Plan when you will meet with your teachers to ask them these questions.
4) Exit Ticket: In your planner, write what surprised you as you reviewed today.

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