Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 30 November

Happy Wednesday AVID Students!
-Complete your tasks listed on your calendar!
-Book Club Artifact Due FRIDAY
-Consider donating: tissues, hand sanitizer, sticky note tabs, and index cards
Resources of the Day:
-Check out College Info Geek for studying, stress management, writing, and reading tips, etc!
-Make a readtheory.org account, do the pretest, and start doing practice reading selections!
Big Idea: Structures provide organization
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...calculate the grades I need to meet my goals.
...ask and answer clarifying questions.
...work on my game/project.
Image result for what grade do I need?1) Warm Up: Wait, what do I need to get? (10 min)

  1. Complete the sample grade calculations as a class.
  2. Set your goal for your final grades. List these goals in the "Goal Grade" column. (Do you want an 80? 85? 90? 95? 100?)
  3. Look in PowerSchool and fill in your Q1 and current Q2 grades on your slip of paper.
  4. Determine what you need on your final exams for each class.
  5. Swap with a neighor and check your work.
  6. Quickwrite (on the back of your paper): What does this mean? Are your goals realistic? Do you need to be panicking? If you are far from your goal grade, what can you do now to help you get there?
  7. Add "Grade Calculations Sheet" to your binder as TOC #29.
2) Tutorial Time (50 min)
  1. Before Tutorials (15 min):
    1. Add on to your set of flash cards.
    2. Tab relevant pages in your notes.
    3. Add HOT questions and summaries to these pages. If you already have, make flash cards about the information on your TRF.
  2. During Tutorials (25 min):
  3. Image result for importance of questions
    1. Break into groups.
    2. Share your final concept ratings (in the POC box). Choose the order of presentations.
    3. The first presenter gives a thirty second speech.
    4. Classmates ask questions and take notes. Someone takes notes for the presenter.
    5. When the presenter gets it, ask him or her to explain how he or she would teach the concept to a confused friend.
    6. Repeat.
  4. After Tutorials (10 min):
    1. Take out your TOC round up.
    2. Add a column to the right of the table that says "# of TOCs".
    3. Flip through the TRF section of your binder.
    4. Tally how many TRFs you wrote for each class.
    5. Answer the following reflection question on the back of your TRF or on separate paper that you staple to it:
      1. Are most of your TRFs about the classes you have the lowest grades in? Why or why not?
      2. How can you use Tutorials more effectively next semester?
      3. What is the most helpful thing about Tutorials?
      4. What is the most challenging thing about Tutorials?
      5. How would you improve Tutorials?
Image result for game design3) Final Task: Game/Project Design Workshop (Until the End of Class)
  1. Meet with your group.
  2. Work on your game/project.
  3. Write a very specific to do list for what you will do on Friday. 
  4. Remember, your final project will be shared in class on Wednesday, Dec 7.

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