Sunday, November 27, 2016

How can I structure my studying to help me succeed? Daily Plans: Monday, 28 November

Happy Monday AVID Students!
-TRF due Wednesday
-Book Club Artifact Due FRIDAY
-Consider donating: tissues, hand sanitizer, sticky note tabs, and index cards
Big Idea: Structures provide organization
Essential Question: How can I structure my studying to help me succeed?
Objectives: I can...
...reflect on my recent experiences.
...track my progress and understanding.
...create a useful study tool.
...share what I read this quarter.
1) Warm Up: Six Word Memoir (5 min)

  1. Read the example six word memoirs. 
  2. Write a six word memoir for your Thanksgiving break OR for your semester as a whole.
  3. Stand, Share, Sit to share your six word memoir with your table.

2) Lesson Plan: TOC Round Up + Key Term Flashcards (45 min)

  1. Part 1: Grade Check (7 min)
    1. Write the name of each of your classes in your table on your TOC Round Up Sheet.
    2. Put the date of each exam and type of each exam in the table. (Types include: Teacher-made, NCFE, EOC (none this semester!), Benchmark)
    3. Use PowerSchool to fill in your current grades.
  2. Part 2: Determine What to Review (15 min)
    1. Image result for flash cards
    2. Look at your TOC for your first period class. Highlight any assignment you need to review.
    3. In your table, write the number of assignments you highlighted.
    4. List 2-3 concepts or specific tasks you need to revisit in your table.
    5. Repeat this for each class.
  3. Part 3: Begin to Review (7 min)
    1. *Star* two concepts you listed in your table.
    2. Choose to create a list or concept map.
    3. Using a list or concept map, list everything you remember or can find in your notes about that concept.
    4. Got it? Cross it off your list of stuff to review. Need to keep going? Tab your notes or relevant assignments so you remember to ask your teacher about the concept later.
  4. Part 4: Key Term Flashcards (15 min)
    1. Take 4 minutes to flip through your notes and highlight key terms.
    2. Begin creating flash cards (use halves of index cards or quizlet) using key terms from your notes. Start with key terms from the class you have the lowest grade in!
  5. Clean Up:
    1. Put your flash cards in your pencil pouch.
    2. Add your "TOC Round Up Sheet" to your TOC and binder as #28.

3) Final Book Club Preparation Meeting (The Reward, the Road Back, the Resurrection Cont'd)
  1. Meet with your book club group.
  2. Share your favorite scene or quote from your book.
  3. Then, finish creating your artifact to share on Friday.
  4. If you do not finish, plan how you will finish this outside of class between now and Friday!
Image result for hero's journey
4) Exit Ticket:
  1. Write a goal for tonight in your planner.
  2. Show your goal to a neighbor and have them give it a smiley face if it is a SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound) goal.

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