Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Where am I going? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Thursday, 7 April

Happy Thursday Future College Graduates!
-Begin your ACA discussion board post.
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: Where am I going? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...make inferences from graphs.
...practice public speaking.
...create my college presentation. 
1) Warm Up: The Power of a College Degree in Graphs (10 min)
    1. Before you read:
      1. Set up a Cornell note sheet. EQ: Where am I going? What will I give back?
      2. Define investment.
        1.  the outlay of money usually for income or profit :  capital outlay; also :  the sum invested or the property purchased (from Merriam-Webster)
        2. AKA: to spend money (or some other form of capital) now to get more back in the future
      3. List: What are the three best investments you could make in your life? The worst?
    2. When you select the link above, focus mainly on the graphs and the data they share.
    3. After you read: 
      1. Change your investment list above if needed.
      2. Discuss: How can we use this information during the college fair?
    2) Literacy Block: 9 Public Speaking Lessons from the Worlds Greatest TED Talks (15 minutes) 
    1. Before you read:
      1. Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up to find a partner.
      2. Choose Harry Potter or Maze Runner.
      3. Give the worst 30 second speech that you can.
      4. Switch and see if you can out do your partner.
      5. Then, give the best 30 second speech you can.
      6. Switch and see if you can out do your partner. 
    2. Read the article above. As you list, fill in a T-chart like the one below.
      Helpful as you plan your presentation
      Helpful when you present
      Ex: practice relentlessly
      Ex: Use humor without a joke
    3. After you read: 
      1. Get with your college group.
      2. Find a story you could tell about your college.
      3. *Star* the most important FAQs for you to write on your poster. Remember, visuals matter!
      3) Lesson Plan: Represent Your College Day Seven (Until 2:42)
      *Planning packets are in the front of the blue binder* 
      1. Review your "To Do" list for today. Add more specific goals if necessary.
      2. Create your poster.
      3. Make sure you know what everyone will say.
      4. Do you have questions for a pro? Post them here.
      4) Exit Ticket: Write your To Do list for tomorrow.

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