Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Where am I going? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Wednesday, 6 April

Happy Wednesday Future College Graduates!
What is your style?
-ACA Task due next Friday!
-Review for English Accuplacer (resources here, plans from Ms. Sawyer here)
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: Where am I going? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...practice persuasive speaking.
...use questioning to help my classmates.
1) Warm Up: Can you sell it? (Until 2:40)
  1. Think of something that could be found on your college's campus (ex: The Old Well at UNC, a maroon scarf from Meredith).
  2. Write it on your index card.
  3. Throw ideas in the bucket.
  4. Draw a new one.
  5. Plan how you would sell the item on your card to someone visiting the college campus.
  6. Share your pitch.
  7. Discuss: What makes public speaking effective? Less effective?

2) Tutorial Time (1:40, Reflection at 2:33)
  1. Go to the correct room.

    1. Ms. Nickel: Science, Stats, PreCalc
    2. Mrs. Testa: Math 2
    3. Ms. Cunkelman: Humanities
    4. Mr. Stern: Accuplacer Prep (Last Names: A-K until 2:10)
    5. Ms. Sawyer: Accuplacer Prep (Last Names: L-Z until 2:10)
  2. Before we begin:
    1. Take out notes related to your TRF.
    2. Highlight key terms and see if your definitions are thorough.
    3. Open the document here.
    4. On the back of your TRF list 3 questions you can ask during the Tutorial.
      1. Break into groups of 4-5.
      2. Share your initial question and concept rating.
      3. Choose your first presenter (someone with a rating of 1-2).
      4. The presenter will give a 30 second speech ending with the POC.
    5. During Tutorials:
      1. While the presenter presents...
        1. Note questions asked and work done to resolve the POC.
        2. Take notes for the presenter.
      2. After the presenter understands the material, the presenter will summarize his/her understanding and record it in the summary column. If the group members agree that the summary is accurate, move on. (Don't agree? Ask more clarifying/inquiring questions until the presenter gets it!)
      3. Repeat as time permits until 2:33.
    6. After Tutorials: 
      1. Answer the top two questions.
      2. Highlight three questions you will answer.
      3. Write your response in 5 complete sentences NOT starting with yes/no.
      4. Return your completed TRF, 3 column notes, and reflection to YOUR AVID teacher at 2:43.

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