Thursday, March 17, 2016

Where am I going? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Thursday, 17 March

Happy Thursday Future College Graduates!
-Week 5: College Course Equivalencies Assignment (Finish before class tomorrow!)
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: Where am I going? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...write creatively.
...list questions college representatives need to be able to answer.
...plan your presentation.
...make an ACA to do list.
1) Warm Up: Binder and Notebook Check (10 min)
  1. Take out your notebooks and binders.
  2. Get with a partner.
  3. Swap materials.
  4. Grade each other using the form below. Be sure to carefully do the math so people get the score they have earned.
2) Literacy Block: Student Life and Living on Campus (15 min)
Where would you live at NC A&T?
  1. Before you read: What do you want the dorm you are living in to be like? What activities do you want to have access to on campus?
  2. While you read: List the pages you explore and any search terms you use. Start on one of the links below:
    1. Student Life - Meredith College
    2. Student Affairs at NC A&T
  3. After you read: 
    1. Add on to the list you made before you read. 
    2. Share out: What was the most interesting thing you found about living on campus? Most unique activity?
  1. Finish listing more questions that would be frequently asked if you were an admissions representative for your school.
  2. Do you have questions for a pro? Post them here.
  3. Begin finding answers to your questions.
  4. Campus Life at Meredith
  5. Meet with me for feedback.
4) Closing Task: Plan, Organize, and Revise (15 min)
  1. Wrap up your ACA work.
  2. Organize and Revise:
    1. Reorganize your binders.
    2. Improve your notes.
    3. Show me any revisions you have made to improve your binder and note check grade.

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