Thursday, March 17, 2016

Where am I going? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Friday, 18 March

Happy Friday Future College Graduates!
-Week 5: College Course Equivalencies Assignment (Due at 11:59)
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: Where am I going? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...synthesize what I've read.
...prepare for the Accuplacer. community or catch up.
1) Warm Up: DEAR Reflection (5 min)
Choose one of the following prompts to respond to for 5 minutes.
  1. Choose an inanimate object from the book or article you are reading. Tell a scene from this story from the point-of-view of that object.
  2. What is your favorite or least favorite place? Tell a scene from your story in this location.
2) Literacy Block: Accuplacer Prep or Book Club (20 min)
  1. In Math 3? Accuplacer Prep
    1. Take out your study guide and practice problem packets.
    2. Work on practice problems.
  2. Not in Math 3? Book Club
    1. Share what you wrote with your group.
    2. Discuss the following questions:
      1. How do authors choose their narrators? 
      2. What are the limits different narrators have?
      3. Why would authors choose and create different settings?
      4. What makes a setting interesting to you?
    3. Work together to create a checklist for choosing the best narrator and best setting.
3) Family Day Time! (1:50-2:45)
  1. Missing Work Room: Ms. Cunkelman
  2. Family Day in the Gym:
    1. Paint Chip Skits
    2. Free Time!

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