Sunday, March 20, 2016

Where am I going? What will I give back? Daily Plans: Monday, 21 March

Happy Monday Future College Graduates!

-Week 6: Transcript Reflection Journal due Friday, April 1
Big Idea: Powerful choices require knowledge
Essential Question: Where am I going? What will I give back?
Objectives: I can...
...write creatively.
...respond to writing prompts.
...find key facts about my college.
...reflect on why transcripts are important.
1) Warm Up: Spring Break Preview (Until 1:30)
Choose one of the following to respond to:
  1. Tell what you think you will do over your spring break in a math equation like the ones above. Then, tell the story of your favorite spring break so far OR a made up amazing spring break using equations. Add a caption to each story. (Example: xfit*5+hiking+dog walking+family*2+chocolate*10+coffee*8+sleeping*1235+grad school class+meet with profs*2+reading for class+paper due ahhhhhh+netflix*10)
  2. Write an instruction guide for your parents/guardians on how to keep you entertained over spring break. Alternatively, do this for how your parents/guardians could keep your siblings entertained. Or, make your own spin off of this and tell me how you'll survive spring break.
2) Literacy Block: College Placement Writing (Until 2:00)
The Accuplacer, SAT, and ACT all have writing components. Today you will work for 35 minutes on a practice WritePlacer task. It is fine if you do not finish!
  1. Are you in Math 3? Work on the WritePlacer prep.
    1. Make a copy of the document here.
    2. Name it "Your Name - WritePlacer Practice".
    3. Read through the whole document. Pay close attention to the rubric at the end. 
    4. This document reflects ONE way to approach writing an essay - first listing ideas, then outlining, then drafting. In timed writing you may not have time for all of these steps. So, you may start by listing OR outlining and then do the draft; using at least one pre-writing strategy will help you write a coherent essay!
  2. Not in Math 3? Work on your Common Application essay.
    1. Make a copy of the document here.
    2. Name it "____-Common Application Essay Practice".
    3. Read through the whole document. Choose one prompt to respond to and justify your choice. You can do the other types of pre-writing, but you do not have to.
    4. Begin writing!
3) Lesson Plan: Represent Your College Day Three (Until 2:35)
  1. Review your "To Do" list for today. Add more specific goals if necessary.
  2. Get to work!
  3. Do you have questions for a pro? Post them here.
  4. Email an admissions representative at your school.
    1. Search "Admissions at ____" (your school's name).
    2. Locate "Staff" or "Contact us" and find an email.
    3. Send your version of the following email (Sections in blue are sections you must change/add to!) (See Example Questions below!):
      1. Subject: Lee Early College - College Presentation Request
      2. To: (their contact info),
      3. Body:
        1. Dear ____ (name OR school name Admissions Representative),
        2. We are students at Lee Early College in Sanford, NC and we are taking on the role of college representatives of colleges and universities across NC. We will be presenting at a college fair for middle and elementary school students in Lee County. 
        3. We have found some great information about your school including...
        4. Can you tell us more about...
        5. If you have any fliers or materials you could mail us to spice up our booth at the college fair, we would appreciate it! Here's how you can get this to us: Lee Early College, C/O (your names)/Ms. Nickel, 1105 Kelly Drive, Sanford, NC 27330
        6. Thank you for your time, insight, and any additional materials you can share with us!
        7. Sincerely, your names
      4. Example questions: What are your most popular majors and why? If you could share one piece of information with interested students, what would you say? What is the biggest selling point of your school? Do you have any new programs starting in the next few years? How does your school help all students succeed?
4) Closing Task: Begin your ACA Journal (10 min)
  1. Log in to Blackboard and go to your ACA class.
  2. Locate and select "Journals" on the left side bar. Click on "Week 6: Transcript Reflection".
  3. Read the prompt.
  4. Create a Google document and begin your response.
  5. Remember, TPEQEA is your BEST writing tool! This journal would probably work well with a TP(two examples, no quote)EA paragraph.

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